How could a man like Lorenzo become High Warlock? Alec found it ridiculous, but he had to swallow back his growing dislike for the warlock. He had to be professional and respectful of the warlock leader. But if Lorenzo continued in the way he acted toward Leon or even Magnus, Alec was sure he'd snap.

They entered the living room together of the grand mansion and Alec was actually in awe of the structure. 

But he wasn't there to inspect the interior design. 

He turned to Lorenzo and crossed his arms behind his back again. "You really believe that Magnus did this out of spite?" Alec asked him.

"Magnus Bane is the only warlock I know capable of conjuring that type of demonic magic," Lorenzo answered.

"Well, I assure you...if Magnus is behind this, I will turn him over to the Clave myself," Alec promised, even if he didn't plan on following through. He believed Magnus when he said he had nothing to do with the corruption of the ley lines.

The thought that a greater demon like Asmodeus being in New York disturbed Alec and Leon. They needed to make sure the corruption was a result of Asmodeus.

"Spoken like a true Shadowhunter. The law is hard, but it is the law. I'm not really surprised Mr. Cleartree agrees with you on that, I suppose."

Alec's jaw clenched, undetected. "Yes, well..." Alec looked around and spotted the bar behind him, "how about a toast? To our new partnership?"

"An excellent idea," Lorenzo agreed, walking over to the bar. Alec turned around slyly when Lorenzo's back to him, momentarily dropping his façade until Lorenzo turned around again. "Scotch? Whisky?"

"I'll have whatever you're having," Alec smiled.

"An old fashioned then and I do mean old-fashioned," Lorenzo mused as he started mixing the two drinks. Alec silently made his way to the back door while Lorenzo wasn't looking. "I've been drinking this recipe for over 200 years. You're absolutely going to love it." Alec unlocked the back door and made his way back to where he was previously standing. "I could conjure it, but I find mixing by hand to be the only way to achieve...perfection."

Lorenzo handed the drink to Alec, who smiled, and sighed. He looked up at the ceilings, pretending to be intrigued by them as he walked back around the other side of Lorenzo. He had to turn Lorenzo's back to the back door for Magnus and Kai to sneak in.

"These ceilings are spectacular," he feigned his impression.

"Thank you," Lorenzo mused.

Alec saw Kai and Magnus appear in the windows of the back door and he held out his glass for Lorenzo. "Cheers. To our...our new...partnership."


They clinked their glasses together as Magnus and Kai slipped inside. Alec took a sip but almost panicked when Lorenzo started to turn away from him as the other Shadowhunter and warlock ducked behind a couch.

"Perfection. Truly."

"Oh, I'm glad you like it," Lorenzo mused. "It's my favorite."

Alec forced another smile and took another sip of the drink. "Such exquisite taste in fabric!" he pointed out. He internally rolled his eyes; he had no interest in the fabrics and he sounded ridiculous. 

Magnus twirled his fingers in a circular motion, a sign to tell Alec to hurry up and get Lorenzo out of there. 

"You have a beautiful home," Alec mused, which made Lorenzo nod as if he already knew that. "You know, Kai told me that you have an amazing...antique pot upstairs?"

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