Sero: Is she some sort of vampire?

Kirishima: Maybe.

The urge became stronger and stronger and then, without thinking, she grabbed the boy by his face pulled him closer and licked the blood, she then proceed to lick his cut making sure to get as much blood as she can. She started sucking on the cut to get even more. It was a nice feeling of having that warm iron taste in her mouth.

Shigaraki*blushes madly*: WHAT?!

Toga: Ooh! Handyman has a crush!

Dabi, Mina and Twice Snickers.

When she realized what she was doing, she backed away blushing from embarrassment. The stranger was also blushing. There was blood on both of their mouths.

"M-my bad," she said.

Monoma: Who would say 'my bad' after doing that?

Tsuyu: Well, she didn't do it intentionally, so it was accidental. Kero.

After a long awkward silence, Zuku said, "M-my name i-is Zuku Midoriya. Um, what is your name?"

"M-my name is T-tenko Shimura. W-why did you d-do t-t-that?"

"Um, I don't know, b-but I have to get going, s-sorry. Hope to see you again Shi-kun!" Zuku yelled as she took off. He stared at her as she left. He touched his cut and smiled.

Toga: Ooh! Shigi likes her! He's gonna kiss her, he's gonna fu-

Shigaraki's blush intensity by 100,000,000,000%: SHUT UP!!!

Toga: hehehe

Once the girl got home she ran straight to her mother.

"Mom, mom! I got a quirk I think!" She squealed. Her mom looked worried but covered it up with happiness.

Midnight: Why is her mom worried?

All Might: I don't know.

"That's great sweetie, what is it?"

"Um, I don't really know, but I bumped into a stranger while running home and they had a cut on them. The blood smelled so good that I accidentally licked the blood off of his arm." She said twisting he truth.

But it doesn't hurt if I twist the truth a little bit, does it? She would freak out because I basically kissed him, I mean I did lick the cut on his lip then sucked on it. Does that count as kissing someone?

"I guess I have a vampire quirk!" Zuku says.

At this Inko became worried, What if she's anything like her father? No, I must not think his way! She is different.

Kaminari: Ooh! I sence tHe TeA!

"Mommy? What's wrong?"

"Hunny, I think it's time to tell you something about daddy. Go and sit on the couch. I'll meet you in there once I grab something." Zuku ran to the couch and waited for her mom.

Then there was an explosion. Zuku ran towards where she last saw her mom. There she was, lying on the ground in a pool of blood. The explosion killed seemed to have her.

Mina: oh no...

Zuku ran towards her mother and started crying. "Mommy! P-please wake up! This i-isn't f-f-funny!"

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