Jimin covers his upper body on self consciousness. He always like to stop by the gym a few times during his free time and keeping his body slim and abs defined. The actor's never really a fan of showing his body though, not in a way of hating himself, but just having other people look at him. Especially the tattoo he had done on the side of his stomach. He zips open the small tent and steps out.

"I-Is this really necessary?" asked Jimin, walking towards Namjoon. "Shouldn't we be doing it more related to the drama?" The manager shakes his head. "This is just extra. We've already prepared another shoot later on for the drama." The younger sighs. He blushes as he seats himself down and hears the staffs whispering about him.

"Can you hand me a water bottle, Namjoon-hyung? It's hot out here." The manager nods and walks over to the cooler set aside under the shade. He throws it to the actor, who successfully catches it.  Jimin thanks the older as he opens the bottle and brings it up to his lips.

"Hand me one, too, Joon." The younger turns at hearing the voice of the older, about to greet the other. He pauses when he sees the sight in front of him.

Jimin seen Seokjin half naked a few times already, mostly his back, yet he didn't know why he was so shock to see him in swimming trunks and topless. The older is slim with his small tummy sticking out a little. He has a softer body shape with slight defined abs, unlike Jimin's, and his broad shoulders stands out more with no shirt on.

Seokjin thanks Namjoon when he receives the bottle, immediately opening it and gulping it down. Jimin watches as the older tilts the bottle a little too much, causing a small drop to flow down his chest. The younger's eyes follows it as the drop slids further down to Seokjin's abs.

"You okay, Jimin?" the older looks over at him. The younger nods, bringing himself out of daze. "Y..Yeah. I'm fine." replied Jimin with a smile. What was I thinking?! He turns to the side and drinks his water silently.

"You look good, Seokjin-oppa." he hears Sunhee. Jimin silenlty listens when the older chuckles and compliments the actress, too. He glances over when Seokjin walks away for something. Sunhee had put on a blue one piece that shows her back, which left the actor confused if he should be jealous of little skin showing or glad that she didn't look as good as Seokjin said. For some reason....

They are quickly called over to the director and given directions of what they should do. "It's so cold." Seokjin smiles in delight. He dips his feet in lightly before walking further into the water. Jimin follows and waits with Seokjin, as Sunhee is getting a quick touch up. "Wow! It's a beautiful view when you're up to here." comments Seokjin.

Jimin nods, smiling when he remembers all his good times he spent as child at the beach. "I usually calm myself down here when I stop by Busan," said the younger. He looks at the other. "You should see it at night, too." Seokjin smiles. "Really?" Jimin nods.

Befor they can say more, Sunhee comes into the water and stands between them. The younger unconsciously distance himself from her. "Okay. Let's get starting!" The first few shots were just them all standing next to each other with Seokjin and Jimin holding or wrapping themselves with Sunhee.

"Okay. Sunhee, face Seokjin and kinda bring your faces close. And you, Jimin, wrap your arms around Sunhee from behind." Seokjin wraps his arm around Sunhee as she brought her hand up to caress his face. Jimin has already wrapped his arms around the actress like said.

He doesn't know why....but it feel odd to see Seokjin with someone else acting all lovey. It didn't look like right to him and he didn't like it either, beginning to feel annoyed. "Jimin, I need you to relax and not frown!" called out the director.

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