Paper Hearts

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Sometimes words just aren't enough.


"I'm going to say something. But I need everyone to listen closely. Because I know, not everyone listens. But everyone hears. So tonight, I ask that you listen. That's all."

Shit. I'm really doing this.

He looked over at Taehyung, who was trying to escape. The other boys kept him from doing so. Jimin forced him to sit down. He looked around the crowd and sighed.

"When I first came to this school I was known as the kid who broke peoples hearts. I just wanted to be an average student, but then this rumor was spread. I was dating this girl and I really did love her. She was kind, considerate, understanding, and so many great things. But I ended up breaking up with her... and people said it was because I was only using her for reputation.... but I wasn't." The crowd erupted in countless whispers and giggles.

"See, if you really listened to our sides of the story, instead of just hearing us, you would understand. You wouldn't be pulled in by these false rumors. Because of this little incident, it changed my life. I was given the name National Playboy. And I did what any kid would do. I lived up to your expectations in order to fit in. Because if I didn't, I would end up as an outcast. Isn't that what everyone is afraid of? Being lonely? Being everyone's enemies? We're all a bunch of cowards hiding from our true selves." Suddenly the whispering stopped. It's as if people were finally starting to really listen.

Could he reach everyone? His parents? Maybe, the blue haired boy?

"If I'm being honest, I don't regret anything that happened. Because if I never got this title, I wouldn't have noticed how I truly felt. I never would have realized who I was as a person. I remember walking in on this blue haired cutie who was inside a music room. See, I know this person really well. After hearing them singing a song that sent chills down my spine, I realized, I loved that person. I wanted to thank them for helping me see my mistakes in life. A lot of you may be glaring at me. But here's something you should know. We do not blame others for each others mistakes. We use it as an opputunity to grow and improve. Keep up the accusations and watch that person be filled with doubt. Now look what you did. Your words can change a persons life." The stadium was still quiet. No voices could be heard from the distance. People just stared and watched Jungkook. Waiting for what came next.

"So about that song I mentioned earlier, I wanted to sing it for this special person. Maybe they'll recognize it." Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could hear the music slowly starting to get louder from the stadium speakers. Once he heard his que, he began to sing. And with each verse, he walked closer to Taehyung.

Once the last words of the song approached, he shed a small tear falling from his right eye.

"You can judge me all you want. But I don't care about your opinions anymore. The only reason why I did everything I have done during high school, was because of expectations. Fuck that. I only care about your opinion. Kim Taehyung." He stared straight into the boys eyes. He didn't look away, even though he could hear the crowd whispering about him. They were probably judging the fact that this was how he chose to come out of the closet.

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