Kim Taehyung - Words of Meaning

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For  yellowpineapples95

Not Edited

Leo Jadyn is a simple women. She likes hot men with abs so clean she would lick whipped cream off of. But, she also likes to dine in the fine men whom of which pertain to the same category of humor as her. Because of this, she found herself watching videos of foreign very handsome young men who seem to always become crackheads after a certain period of time.


So imagine her reaction when she finds out the answer to her soulmate's odd Words of Meaning. Sitting there, she was minding her own business like she did every day. When, her best friend Hanna sends her a flurry of text messages and links.

Leo's phone blew up quickly, all three of her best friends storming her phone with links and all capitalized messages. She could barely understand what was happening when she finally got her hands on her phone. Putting her .3 brain cells to work she had determined that a certain member of the group BTS had just so happened to stated a phrase that had been marked in her heart and right forearm for a very long time. The simple wording of "I Purple You" had confused her to no end in the (so far) 18 years of her life.

That faithful day of November 12, 2016 had helped her learn many things about her soulmate-

"Purple is the last color of the rainbow so it means i will love and trust you for a long time."

-The biggest one being that they were an ARMY.


How was she supposed to find her soulmate with these three words if they affected practically 20% of the freaking population?

She didn't know, but hoped that this only meant good things. Because that had been (word for word) all that everyone she had known was reassuring her for the past three years of her life.

Instead of waiting for answers and worrying, she decided to live life like nothing had changed. Her reasoning were because "If she was to meet her soulmate, she would meet them when life decided so." Donning herself the new motto she now had begun to live by. "Answers come with time."  To distract herself, she decided to focus more on her college life. Leo was a extraordinarily talented art major who focused on very realistic paintings and sometimes drawings. Although, she had spent more time painting than anything else. Doing so allowed her mind to break free and splatter her thoughts to her hearts content on a canvas.

Without noticing, she had become very good at drawing realistic portraits of people. More so, males. Probably because she knew she was straight but-

N E wAys

Her subconscious interest in what her soulmate had looked like literally helped her land a spot in her dream college and multiple jobs. But, she didn't really realize that until her friends had pointed it out. Of course, she had blushed furiously the moment they mentioned it. And locked them out of her room for a few hours, that too.

All of these thoughts on her past related to her unknown soulmate clouded her brain whilst she had been riding a train over to Seoul, South Korea from her living space in Gwanju, South Korea. Her reasoning of moving all the way from the United States to her current residential area was her heart. She had an odd pull to the country that, to this day, has not ended. But the apartment she lived in was the nicest one she had been able to find out of multiple cities.

Leo had been ecstatic to find out she had a job offering with a company over in Seoul, finding how she had always wanted to go there but for some reason never had the courage to. Probably because of how scary she found it. The company in particular was with the one and only Big Hit Entertainment.

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