Let's Be Best Friends

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Narrator's POV

"So what's your favorite part of New York so far?" Tony asked Thor as he worked on a gadget in the kitchen.

Thor sat in a chair nearby, doing something.

"The super market." Thor answered, working on something requiring his hands.

"The super market?" Tony asked. "What's so cool about the super market?"

"Their check out machines." Thor answered. "It's like nothing we've got on Asgard. Oh, by the way, are there anymore of those chocolates in the cabinets?"

"Uh, no." Tony said. "I ate the last one."

"I was saving that." Thor looked back him.

"Hey, I stress eat." Tony said. "Someone ate all my red licorice, and your snickers was the only thing in there."

"Is there anything else in there?"

"Let me see." Tony turned to the cabinets and opened them. "Hmm..." He looked around.

A small blue colored box caught his attention.

"We've got Pop-Tarts." Tony said taking the box.

It felt very light.

"Well, a Pop-Tart." He said, after looking in it.

"I'll take it." Thor said, taking his hand.

"Catch." Tony threw it to him.

Thor caught and put what he had in his other hand down, opening the shining silver package.

"Ever had one of those?" Tony asked.

"No, but I'm starving." Thor said, taking out the delicious strawberry tart.

"Well, get ready for a blast of flavor." Tony said.

Thor bit into the tart, his face suddenly lighting up. He looked down at the treat in his hand. "This is the best thing I've ever had." He said.

Tony chuckled, focusing on his gadget.

The door slid open.

"Hey, Tony." Came Bruce's voice. He was reading something on a tablet. "Have you read what the stocks-"

"Banner!" Thor jumped up.

Bruce quickly turned to him. "Yes?"

"You have got to try these." Thor said, going over to him. "They are a slice of heaven." He shoved it in Bruce's face.

Bruce laughed. "Yes. I've had a Pop-Ta-"

Thor put in Bruce's mouth. "Isn't it delicious?"

"Mhm." Bruce nodded, chewing the Pop-Tart in his mouth.

"We must go purchase some more!" Thor said, taking Bruce by the shoulders and shaking him.

"I don't think I ca-"

"That's it." Clint came through the door with a towel around his waist. "Tony, I cannot keep sharing room with him." He pointed at Thor. "He used up all my shampoo." He said, taking out a shampoo bottle out from behind his back.

"I thought you liked being roommates with him." Tony said.

"He touched my shampoo. You should know to never touch a man's shampoo. Ever." Clint said. "I want Bruce to be my roommate from now on."

"Whoa, you know I don't room with anyone because of my current situation." Bruce said.

"I'll do it. I'll be your roommate." Thor said. "I can handle you."


"Great!" Clint said. "Thor gets what he wants, and I get a whole room to myself with my shampoo." Clint said, walking out.

"I guess that's settled." Tony said, picking up his gadget and inspecting it.

"Thor, are you sure you want to share room with me? I have very bad anger issues, and well..." Bruce chuckled. "...you know how the rest of that goes."

"Oh, nonsense." Thor said. "Hulk or Banner. I enjoy your company either way." He said, smiling at Bruce.

Bruce smiled up at him, his cheeks blushing pink.

"And look!" Thor picked up on what he was working on. "I made us these friendship brac- Are you okay?" Thor asked, looking at Bruce's reddened cheeks. "Are you ill?"

"Hm?" Bruce asked. "Oh, no." He covered duo his cheeks. "It's nothing...let's just..." He couldn't stop smiling. His cheeks hurt.

A small smile formed on Tony's lips as he heard their conversation, acting busy with his gadget.

"...let's go get some more Pop-Tarts, then we'll get you settled in my room." Bruce said

"Alright!" Thor smiled, taking Bruce by the arm and running out of the room with him.


"Well...welcome to our room." Bruce said, opening the door, letting Thor in.

"Wow." Thor said, looking around while holding boxes and boxes of Pop-Tarts in his arms and eating one at the moment.

The room wasn't much different from his old one, but it was a lot more organized and there weren't arrows stuck in the wall.

"You can take whichever side you want." Bruce said, removing his jacket and placing it on the coatrack beside the door.

"Thank you, Banner." Thor said, going over to the bed on the right, which looked like the one Bruce didn't use.

"Bruce." Bruce said.

"Hm?" Thor turned to him.

"You can call me Bruce." Bruce smiled at him, putting his hands in his pockets and smiling at Thor.

"Bruce." Thor said. "Brah-uce." He played with the name for a while. "Bruce. I like it." He said. "Call me Thor."

Bruce chuckled, smiling down at his feet now.

"Did I say something?" Thor asked.

"No, no." Bruce smiled back up at him. "I just-"

"Do I have crumbs in my beard?" Thor asked.

"Oh, yes. Plenty." Bruce said, chuckling.

"Hey." Thor put the Pop-Tarts down. "I'll share them with you, but don't tell Stark because I know he likes them too."

"Your secret is safe with me." Bruce said.

"I knew I made the right choice." Thor said.

Bruce looked at him in confusion. "Right choice in what?" He asked.

"My best friend." Thor smiled.

"Best friend?"

"Mhm." Thor nodded.

"No one's ever asked me to be their best friend." Bruce said.

"Well, I'll be the first if you let me." Thor said.

Bruce smiled.

He had never really experience something like this. He was close to Tony, but only when it came to science, but no one really bothered to be his friend since he had anger issues and a green giant behind him all the time. But this change, it was nice.


"Hm? What?" Bruce snapped out of it.

"I'm still waiting for your answer." Thor said. "You kinda just stood there with a smile on your face."

"Oh." Bruce said. "Sorry. Yeah. Yeah." He nodded. "You can be my...best friend." He sighed happily.

"Great!" Thor smiled.

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