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Todoroki stared up at the stark white lights that almost hurt to look at. The same light he'd seen for thousands of times, the same white walls that seemed to scream for something, anything, to fill the bright void. The almost perfectly cleaned tiles that smelled of chemicals. A perfectly made bed, and some plain patterned hospital robes. Everything was always the same, and he hated it with every inch of his being. Because it would always be the same, and nothing could ever change it. 

Because Shouto Todoroki, one of the strongest rising hero's in class 3-A, was ill. He was sick.  He would eventually die, and he knew it. 

He suffered from Friedreich's Ataxia, a fatal illness with no cure. Prolonging his inevitable death was all his doctors could do. Right now his symptoms weren't terrible, sometimes his arms and legs would go numb and he couldn't walk or speak. Yet, those where rare and todoroki could tell when his little episodes where coming a few minutes before they happened. 

The disease was caused by a genetic mutation, a rapid coding of DNA that messed with his brain and spinal cord. Because his DNA isn't multiplying that fast yet, he visited his doctor with a DNA destroying quirk once every month. Yet, even with this help, he wouldn't live past 21. Two and a half more years of life at most.

It was almost as if todoroki was destined to die.

And no one besides his family knew about it.

More than anything todoroki wanted to tell his classmates, to get close to them, to get to know them. Experience what a normal 18 year old should be, going out doing fun stuff. But he pushed everyone away, because how much pain would they be in if they knew? If they cared about him he would die and crush them, and Shouto doesn't want to hurt anyone like that ever. So no going out to the movies with Deku, Uraraka, iida and Momo. No going out and doing stupid stunts with the Baku-squad. Keeping everything a secret, hoping that by the time they graduate they will forget about him. And when he dies they remember him as just a fellow classmate and nothing more. And you'd think he has his family at least, but he pushes them away to. Sure, his relationship with his mother and father steadily grew better and stronger over the past years, but he just keeps them at arms length, distancing himself as much as possible. So he is left with nothing.

Nothing but the crushing pressure to become then number one hero.

To become something, to leave something of a legacy behind, before he dies. So he trains, studies, and practices. To try and help as many people as he can, to save as many people as possible. To try and make an impact on the world in a very limited time.

To todoroki, it felt like he was born to die, his greatest enemy was himself, and he can't fight DNA.

Destined to die alone, with the crushing weight of unfulfilled dreams. 

Destined to die without ever really living.

What todoroki didn't know, is that destiny may have other plans.

For on that cold winters day, while Todoroki sat in his hospital bed, waiting for someone to tell him he was free to go, a blood drive was going on in the hospital, and two spiky haired idiots who happened to get lost a lot decided to donate that day. 


Bakugou was pissed of, staring at the idiotic read haired imbecile in front of him as they wandered down the endless halls. He shouldn't have trusted Kirishima to get them anywhere, he is always getting lost.  It was his shitty idea to come donate blood in the first place Bakugou thought, still angrily glaring at his friend. Actually, it took Kirishima quite a lot of convincing and begging to get Bakugou to come along with him. The only reason he dragged Bakugou along to this event is because they got cool t-shirts if they brought a friend. If only they could find a map.

In Sickness and Health: Todobaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now