part 2

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Caroline was happy that her best friend Carrie, was coming too Luke's first live concert with her, that and she had something too tell her. Caroline was standing backstage with Carrie, Luke came over he wrapped one arm around Caroline's waist and kissed her on the head, "How's everything Carrie" said Luke. "Couldn't be better Luke". I will see you two after the show". "Good luck". Luke kissed Caroline before going off too finish getting ready. "What" said Caroline, as Carrie looked at her. "There seems something different about you too". Caroline looked around  too make sure that, no one was listening. "You can't tell anyone yet, but I'm pregnant". "That's wow, congrats to you both of you Caroline" Carrir happily gave her a hug. "Come on let's go and watch Luke" said Caroline, as they linked arms and headed out too watch Luke on stage.

During the whole preformance of Baby's On The Way, Luke did not take his eyes off of Caroline and it wasn't hard to figure out why. After is final number, thst being All My Friends Say, Luke thanked the audience and headed backstage, Caroline was there waiting with Carrie. "You should come and open for me Luke" said Carrie. "Talk to my manager about that, but it's  a good idea Carrie". Luke wrapped one arm around Caroline and kissed her, "Best performance yet Luke", she said with a smile.  "Well that's because you were watching Caroline, it just makes me crazy for you". "I'm already crazy for you Luke". Caroline looked up at Luke, as he leaned into kiss her again. "Not too break the mood, but I was thinking of going out and gettng something too eat, y'all want to come" asked Carrie.  "Sure, why not" said Luke. Carrie herself also known as Carre Underwoodvwas a rasing Country star herself, and had been friends with Caroline for a long time, Carrie was also helping break Luke onto he country scene, not an easy thing to do, but slowky he was getting attention, that and being friends with Jason Aldean helped as well.

At a local diner down the road from the concert hall, Carrie sat across from Luke and Caroline, "Can I ask, why isn't Jason here tonight", asked Carrie as she took a sip of hot coffee. "Not sure, cause the last time that we spoke, he told me that he's been seeing my ex and that was a week or so ago" said Luke. "Probably has him wrapped right around her little finger" said Caroline. "Whatever the case, I miss him hang out with us and I'm betting that it will only last a month

Or two" said Carrie. "Think we all do" added Luke, putting his arm around Caroline. "So does anyone else that you're pregant Caroline". "No, but we're each going too tell our parents within the next two weeks or so". " Sounds fair enough". Luke leaned over and kissed Caroline, she looked at him and smiled, neither good get enough of each other at the moment. "Ok, get a room, cause some of us are trying too eat here" saud Carrie. "Nothing wrong with a little lovin" added Luke,  with a laugh, as Carrie looked at him an Caroline side ways.

A few days later Luke and Caroline had their first appointment too see about the baby, as Caroline lay there she looked up at Luke, who was holding her hand. "After this, I guess were going too see my parents Luke" "Guess we really should, then mine at some stage". "I won't lie, I'm actually nervous about this whole thing". "Makes two of us then, but I'm going to be here the whole way Caroline,  you can count on that". Luke leaned over and kissed Caroline right as the walked in. "Ready too see your baby for the first" said the doctor. "Yes Ma'am" said Caroline,  holding Luke's hand a little tighter. After the doctor did a few things, she applied gel too Caroline's stomach, which was showing a very small baby bump. The doctor then brought up an image on the screen in front of them, "This here is your baby" said the doctor, pointing at the screen. Caroline just smiled up at Luke as he brushed the hair from her face and kissed her. "Can you tell, how far along I am" asked Caroline. "By the looks of you,  I'd say about three months". "And the due date" asked Luke. "Round about April the twenty second, how about I give you two a mintue or two alone" said the doctor, before getting up and leaving the room. Luke looked at Caroline and  kissed her on the forehead, "Can't say how  much that I love you Luke, then seeing our baby for the first time". "Think seeing him for the first time has made me, more in love with your Caroline". She pulled down her t-shirt, as Luke handed her, her jacket, Caroline put it on before putting her hands on Luke's face and kissed him, Luke could tell that she wanted it right there and then, "Let's go and tell your parents the good news and then see where the night takes us Caroline". Caroline smiled at before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

Carrie on the other hand came out of the recording studio and ran into Jason, who was aso with Savannah. "Long time no see Jason". "Could say the same thing to you as well Carrie". Carrie looked Savannah up and down before returning her attention back to Jason, "Jason may I speak with you in private" said Carrie. "Sure". Jason was guessing that this had to do with him seeing Savannah. He followed Carrie inyo the soubd booth, she made sure that the room was sound proof which it was. "Wanting to record a duet with me" said Jason, as he stuck his hands in his pockets. "It's on the cards for the album but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. I can  see and so can everyone else that Savannah has her little finger wrapped right around you". "Tell me about it, I haven't been hunting in over two months nor I have I spoken too Luke and Caroline since that day at the lake". "There's a hunting trip coming up next month we're all going down to Louisiana and it would be great if you could come Jason, just you that is no her. If not we'll see you at the Garth Brooks country star concert at the Grand Ole Opry in two months time". " I'll try my best to be in Louisiana Carrie". Carrie didn't say anything else she just left Jason standing there, the whole reason that she wanted Jason on the hunting trip was becausr she wanted him to meet a friend of hers who was nothing like Savannah.

Luke and Caroline sat in his truck outside of her parents house, "Not sure if I can tell them Luke". He put his hand on her face and kissed her, "I will here the whole time Caroline" She looked at Luke and kissed him once more before they both got out of his truck. Once inside Caroline was less then thrilled to see that her brother was also there, Luke kept one hand on her waist the whole time. "Matt are Mom and Dad out back". "Yes and I guess this isn't a good afternoon visit is it sis". Caroline gave Matt the finger as she walked by with Luke. Matt sneaklery got up out of his chair and followed them outside. "Caroline you and Luke this is a surprise and it's not Sunday" said her mother. Her father gave Luke a look as if he'd done something wrong. Caroline looked at Luke then back her parents, Matt was standing in the doorway behind them. "Mom, Dad I don't want you both to freak out but I'm pregnant and Luke's the father". Her mother was over joyed and happy her not so much. "Luke, son do you love my daughter". "Cousre I do Sir and we're having this baby either way". Luke felt a lot more nervous towards Caroline's father after just having said that. "And do you both plan on getting married someday". It's on the cards Sir". "I know it's not planned but you have to understand thst Luke makes me happy". Caroline looked up at Luke as he leaned into kiss her. "Oh I'm so happy for you both", her mothet said embracing them with a hug. "I kind of had to figure that this was the case" chimed in Matt. Caroline just rolled her eyes at her brother, "Can't you just be happy about it". "You know your father he's to old fashioned to change with the times". "Yeah I do Mama". "Still can't believe that my sister got knocked up". "Shut up Matt or you'll be my bow hunting target practice and I'm pretty sure Luke's as well". "He must gave good aim then". "If you don't him Caroline I will". As they walked back into the house Caroline punched Matt in the arm, "That should leave a mark baby bro". "Your mean". Caroline just gave him the finger as Luke put his arm over her shoulder.

Caroline filpped her hair back as Luke kissed her on the neck before attaching onto her mouth, she put wrapped her arms around his neck while kissing him. Luke filpped ovet so that he was on top and she was on the bottom. Caroline looked into his eyes before she kissed him. Luke leaned his forehead aganist Caroline's, "I meant what I said today you know that I love you Caroline even if your father can't see that". "I know Luke cause I love you too and he's just old fashioned doesn't believe in the whole sex before marriage thing". "That point was made clear today". He'll get over it eventually Luke". Caroline ran her hand over Luke's face as he kissed with passion. 

Jason lay awake in bed that night as Savanah slept, he could not stop thinking about what Carrie had said to him earlier on and deep down he knew that it was true. He had not been hunting in over two months nor had he seen Luke since that day out at the lake and Jason was close to wrapping up the new songs for his album but he wanted Luke's opion on a few and he also knew that he would do what it took to be on that hunting trip alone without Savannah there. Then the thought struck him, was Savannah's plan all along to dig her hooks into me and drive me away from and Caroline after what he did. Jason didn't know it yet but tgat was the truth.

Carrie was sitting up late working on the song that she was planning on doing as a duet with Jason, so far she'd worked out that the title of the song was going to be called , Do you love me, and had a few lyrics written but it was a slow process. Carrie found herself thinking of Jason and she didn't know why, but one thought crossed her mind though, what if I have feelings for Jason. Carrie didn't know what to think after that, part from the fact that she really needed to talk with Caroline about it all.

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