HelIo and Goodbye

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A/n; re-read the title. Seen what I did there? I bet half of you didn't notice on the first try.

I had just finished the last of the  paperwork for the Helios II documentation. Oh sure, I had plenty of gorgeous and cute secretaries to handle the more brutal amounts of paperwork, but holy shit man! I had just signed 1337 pages of crap! See? Being the King isn't all fun and games... sadly.

Secretary over the phone: Handsome Jack, your 8am is here.

Finally! 8 o'clock! Quitin' ti- wait... 8am? Dammit! Oh well. Silver lining? My 8am is some hot babes under my direct employ.

Me: Thanks Yvette. Remember, screw over Rhys or me again and I'll have you shot to death!

Yvette: *sigh* yes, your Handsomeness.

Me: Oh and could you please start wearing a maid outfit for entertainment? Thanks, pumpkin.

Maya, Lilith and Gaige arrived and stood in the middle of my huge office.

Lilith: Sup Jack?

Gaige: Hey boss man!

Maya: Evening. What is this about?

"I had Tannis look over some of the Eridian logs, we have found all but 3 of the Vaults. All of our vault hunting buddies are out to find them. It seems that Commandant Steele the second- you know, the Maliwan assassin/scout and sister to the siren Lili and Roland and Brick and Mordy all killed when they went for the vault of the Destroyer- had a chip on her that contained an Eridian Journal and Map Data. Anyways,  Tannis said she found in all that crap, that there is something called "The Vault Of The Grimmoire." It's got some kind of hybrid monster thing or something, guarding it. What is special about that vault? It has a device that can immediately transport us to the other Vaults. The only thing is, it's on some place known as "Remnant." Creepy name right? Anyways, we gotta get there to find it. So who is up for it?

Lilith: I'm in.

Maya: Seconded.

Gaige: Yay! Some more aliens for Deathtrap to play with!

Me: That settles that. Anyways, go get whatever supplies you need in the next 4 days. My secretaries did their research and they have got you 3 enough Eridium to collect all the upgrades from crazy Earl. I've also put alot of cash into your accounts so you can order things by express.

Maya: Jack, does Remnant have people living in it?

Me: Please girls, you can call me y/n when we are alone.

Gaige: uhh... Why boss man?

Me: Because that is my real name. I started out in this company pretty young. So I came up with an alias that would allow me to start working a couple of years earlier than what I should have. The age when you can get a job is 18, since we have our distilleries on other planets.

Maya: Oh... Well... You still didn't answer my question y/n.

Not that I know of. Not much is really known about the planet right now. But we will be taking a slip space jump there in in 4 days so we will get to find out for ourselves.

Gaige: Yay! Exploring!

Maya: alright... Well.... See you in 4 days I guess.

*Timeskip, 4 days later*

I had just finished my paperwork and readied my weapons and armor. Me Gaige, Maya, Tina and Angel were readying ourselves for whatever would come once we come out of hyper space.

But something happened.

Turbulence and flashing red lights all over.

P.A.: Red alert! High levels of unknown radiation detected in the ship! Source of origin... Unknown- *static*

"Oh this ain't good."

Tina: Dad! *screaming panicy while hugging me right* What's happening?!


"I don't know! Angel got any-

I don't know how, but it was at that moment that I blinked, and me and the girls as well as the remains of the rooms me and the girls were in as well as my one surprise vault hunter were in, were in a smoldering crater surrounded by red trees.

I went to move, and found that my whole body ached and my ears were ringing loudly. But I also couldn't move. Was I trapped under rubble? It would make sense as to why my face was in the dirt.

I looked up and I saw a girl with red ripped hair, maybe Gauges age, standing at the top of the crater.

I tried to call out... Instead.... My weak ass passed out....

Not exactly the entrance a hero should have....right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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