MNSTR (the escape) Pt.2

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I saw my life flash before my eyes as I heard the gun shot go off,I saw nothing but black until I felt some sort of warm liquid on the back of my neck dripping down my shirt,I opened my eyes and as my hearing recovered I heard a commotion and looked over to see someone uniting me from my chair "long time no see huh nick" a far to familiar voice said "Benn?" I asked,shocked to see him again "let's get you the fuck out of here" he said as The ropes constricting my body fell and I could finally stand up "how'd you-" "Victoria told us,now come on go" Benn said as Brandon came back into the room "Raven got away,he's wounded though,the bullet grazed his face" he said panting,as if he had been chasing him. "That's fine,come on Andy and Spencer have the truck ready let's go" Benn said ready to run out if the room "wait hold on" I said as I ran over to the corner of the room and took my bag full of weapons and ammo,almost tripping on the body of Jye laying on the floor,Brandon got a clean shot straight through the back of the head,he was dead before he hit the ground "sorry jye" I said as collected my weapons and was ready to make out escape,we ran down the hall and encountered a small group of scarecrows before we quickly brought them all down,we made our way to the excite before we reached the truck with Andy and someone else in the front 2 seats and Victoria in the back of the flat bed waiting for us,Brandon and I hoped directly in the flat bed will benn opened fire on a small group of scarecrows that had follows us to the exit "benn get in" Brandon said as he started to open fire as well,just then we saw benn crumple to the ground,I immediately jumped out of the truck to go help him before I felt a hot piece of lead burrow into my shoulder,I fell to the ground before finding my way to my feet and continuing in benns direction,another 2 bullets hit me in the bicep,I kept moving ignoring the pain until I got to Benn and saw the bullet wound in his chest,he was still breathing so I grabbed him by the arms and ripped him off the ground and threw his limp body over my shoulder and ran back the truck,taking a bullet to the calf in the process,Brandon continued covering us the best he could while I loaded benn into the back and jumped in myself before we felt the truck jerk and them speed into the forest,Brandon continued to fire until the scarecrows were out of sight and we were able to focus on benn "he is okay?" Brandon asked dropping his gun onto the floor of the flat bed and kneeling down to Benns side "I stopped the bleeding for now but we need to get him back to the base and operate,the bulky just missed his heart but he's still in a lot of trouble" Victoria said applying pressure to benns chest,suddenly I began to feel a burning sting in my arms and my leg and began to wince in pain "Brandon you keep pressure on benn I'll fix up nick" Victoria said switch places with Brandon and coming over to examine my wounds "that's odd" Victoria said look at the wound on my should "what?" I asked "it looks like the wounds already healing" she said,I had started to feel the pain in my shoulder less and less until it was gone,same for my left arm and my leg "we'll have to get those bullets out later but the bleeding has stopped so you'll be fine" she said as she got back up yo go monitor benns condition. Suddenly heard the sound of bullets hitting the side of the truck,then we saw an armoured scarecrow truck pull up besides us "uh Brandon!" I said before grabbing a gun and popping my head up long enough to get a few shots of on the truckers machine gunner. Brandon and I continued to take shots at the gunner before we felt the entire truck move as the armored truck rammed into us. "Brandon cover Victoria and Benn" I said as i found my way to my feet in the moving truck and jumped into the hood of the scarecrow tank and managed to shoot the machine gunner in the neck with hand gun and he fell back into the tank. I made my way on top of the roof as another scarecrow came up to the turret just in time for me to grab his head and pull him up out of the opening and throw him off of the truck into a tree,then dropping a grenade into the truck killing most all of the scarecrows,I jumped in to find one of them slowly getting to his feet before I grabbed his head and yanked it to the side so far you could hear the sickening snap of the vertebrae in his neck and the sound of his skin and muscles tearing.i dropped the nearly decapitated scarecrows body to the floor as I moved into the drivers section if the truck and slit the throat of both the driver and the passenger before the truck began to lose all control,I quickly made my way back to the ladder to the turret opening and scurried up it,jumping back into the runaways truck just as the scarecrows turned off into the forest plowing through a small group if trees before colliding with a large sturdy one and coming to a stop. "Were almost out of the forest,we'll be at the base in 15 minutes" the man I believed to be named Spencer said,Brandon and I kept our guns drawn and ready for the rest of the ride before we exited the forest and came into the old abandoned meat packing district in the city. The truck stopped at an old abandoned building with a cog and crown painted on the door,the scarecrows haven't been patrolling this section of the city for years,it was the perfect hiding spot. Brandon and I exited the flat bed first and immediately helped Victoria with benn,who's heart rate was quickly dropping. "We need to get him inside to the medical wing" Victoria said as Andy and Spencer opened the large heavy door as Brandon and I walked in with Benn under our arms. We followed Andy and Victoria through a maze of old crates while Spencer closed and locked the door. We came to the door of an old meat locker that andy them opened and ushered us into,we walked into the 15 by 15 space containing only a small closet. "What are we doing in here?" I asked "just wait" Spencer said as he grabbed the metal closet by it's side and pulled it open like a door revealing the entrance to a small elevator "come on let's go,welcome home Nick" Andy said as we all piled into the elevator and began to descend into the base. We reached the bottom and exited the elevator to be greeted by Taddie and a girl I hadn't seen before "what happened?" The girl asked rushing over to Benn's side "we don't have time to explained,Taddie help me carry him to the medical wing" Brandon said and Brent took Benn from under my arm and threw him under his. Spencer came over to the girl and kissed her and gave her a hug "I'm so clad you're safe" she said burying her face into Spencer's chest "so this must be the famous nick huh?" She said releasing her grip from spencer and turning in my direction "yeah that's me" I said putting down my bag and weapon "I'm Nadia" the short brunette girl said "this is my boyfriend Spencer" she said motioning to the man standing next to here with the tattooed left arm "we've met" I said sticking my hand out for a hand shake. "Well look what we got here" a voice came said from behind us,a voice I've been hearing my entire life. "Hey Dave" I said turning to see my "brother"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2014 ⏰

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