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"Nick! Hey Nick!" Dave shouted at me "what!" I yelled back at my brother "dad and the guys are going out on a mission we've gotta watch the kids while the moms go under cover to get more supplies" Dave yelled back "okay fine I'm coming" we lived with. 5 other family's and all of them had younger kids so me and Dave had to watch them while the parents went out, "Hey Dave can we have something to eat?" Benn shouted,Benn was the Suede's kid,he was a good kid,never had the best of luck though. "not until the moms get back with supplies" I answered back walking I to the main room. "Fine" Benn said.why are 13 year olds always starving. Andy and Brandon were playing catch,Andy was the Leo's son and Brandon was the Hoover's,Andy mom remarried when Dave and I were 3 or 4 then had andy the next year. Brandon was a nice guy,he didn't like to talk much but when he did he was pretty funny.Benn was thinking of pizza while Brent,the Taddies son,was trying to get some more sleep,Hayden was just sitting in the corner,angry as usual. He's been that way since his dad was killed 3 years ago. Dad and Mr.Tree used to be really good friends. One night on patrol a scarecrow spotted him and dad and Mr.Tree took a bullet to save dad I always though Hayden blamed our family for his dad's death. "Hey Dave" Andy said "wanna play?" "No thanks andy I'm good" Dave said turning on the tv. Mom and Dad managed to get a signal that wasn't blocked by the ravens media ban so we got actual shows. "Benn I found a twix if you want it" I saw fining one on my jacket pocket "Yes give it!" He demanded. "Catch" I said throwing it too him. "Hey Nick why are you and Dave always in charge of us when the parents leave?" Brent questioned. "Cause were 17 and you ain't" Dave answered back flipping through channels "well I'm 15 why can't I be in charge!" He complained "cause you almost set Brandon in fire last week" I answered back "thanks for that by the way" Brandon replied "hey I said I was sorry!" Brent defended. "Whatever man,who wants to watch TV?" Dave asked and the kids flocks around us expect for Hayden. We watched tv for hours while we waited for the parents to get back, they were taking longer that usual,Dave and I got worried so we tried the emergency phone but we could get anything. "Dave something up here" I said hanging up the phone "they always answer their emergency cell. "What're we gonna do? What if they got ambushed or the scarecrows captured them?" Dave asked pacing around the room "Brent don't play with any matches cause you're in charge were going out" I yelled into the room with the guys in it "really!? I mean yeah sure I can handle that" he said trying to keep his cool as the new leader of the Rugrats. "Where you guys going? You know you're not supposed to be out of the headquarters without one of the parents" Benn said "no where Benn just stay here we'll be right back" Dave said grabbing the equipment. AK's,back up hand guns,bullet proof vests,combat knives the works "wait Dave" I said running into the other room and took the mask my dad kept in his office next to a picture of all the guys. All the dad's, dad had put X's over Hayden's dad's face and one other,I don't know who it was I never saw him he must've been taken out before I was born,the name "Clark" was written under his picture. "Nick you ready?" Dave called pulling me away from the picture,I tied the mask with was really just a bandana painted to look like a skulls teeth around my face and we were out,but not before taking the picture and putting it in my pocket. "Dad said they were going to raid the old police station to try and get some documents on the scarecrows to try and find their training center that's somewhere downtown" Dave said as we exited the above ground house. It was night so if was easy for us to move without being seen. Dave and I made out way down to the old diner in town,something felt odd about this place whenever I see it,like something happened to me here. "Nick" Dave snapped me out of my trance "dad the the other guys should be 2 blocks over but there a group of scarecrows blocking our path" Dave said leaning up against the building. "I've got this" I said peeking around the corner of the building to see the scarecrows gathers around talking about something. I made a loud rustling noise to attract one of the scare come the the back of the building,I snuck up behind him and stabbed him in the back puncturing his lung so he could don't scream out for help. I quickly took off the scarecrows suit and have it too Dave to put on since it would fit him better. Once he was dressed I let him handcuff me and drag me out from behind the building like he had captured me "found him behind the structure I'm gonna take him back to headquarters he may know where the rest of them are" Dave said to the group of scarecrows "just smoke him like we did the other ones that came through earlier" one of the scarecrows responded "the others?" Dave asked sound more shocked they he should have allowed "yeah remember, those 5 other guys we saw,we smoked 2 of them and we hit another no way that guys gonna make it too much longer, that this punk out too" he continued "actually let me do it I didn't get to shoot one last time" the scarecrow said standing up from the ground picking up his assault rifle and aiming it at me "now Dave!" I shouted as he shot the scarecrow dead in the face before firing at the remaining scarecrows,I picked the lock on my handcuffs and broke free and took out 2 I the remaining scarecrows,we wounded one but left him alive. I pulled the picture from my pocket and ripped off the scarecrows mask the. shoved the picture in his face "which ones did you bastards kill?!" I shouted "fuck you you stupid bastard" the scarecrows spat back at me in agonizing pain from the bullet in his stomach "listen here you mother fucker!" Dave said pressing the barrel of his gun into his throat "you tell us right now or so help me god I will end your ass" Dave spat, this is the most angry I've ever seen him "okay okay, umm the one on the far right and the 3rd one from the left,and the guy next him that's the one we hit I think he seems like the right height" he said I looked back at the picture,Brandon and Brent's dad's were dead and Benn's may be dead soon if we didn't find the rest of them fast "fuck you" I said before pulling my knife and stabbing the scarecrow in the heart "Brandon and Brent's dad's are dead,Benn's might be next of we don't find them, let's go" I said scratching out the faces of the 2 dead men from the picture "shit" Dave said kicking one of the dead soldiers we took out "Dave come one we can't help Hoover and Taddie but we can save Benn's dad If we hurry" I said getting up from my knees and cleaning the scarecrows blood from my knife "right right let's move" Dave said putting the scarecrows mask back on. I stripped one of the scarecrows down and whipped off as much of the blood as possible before outing the uniform on myself "let's go, I bet they would've taken Suede to the abandon hospital" I said as Dave and I moved throughout the streets "hey you two" we heard from behind us "we need 2 more for patrol" one of the other scarecrows said to us,we had to go with them or arouse suspicion. We got in the 2 single file lines of 12 men including us and march down the streets,staying as far back as we could. "Dave I'm not liking this" "me either dude just keep marching until we get a chance to break free" Dave replied "fine". Before too long we noticed someone moving in the shadows of one of the abandon buildings "hey you think that was dad?" Dave said "that's my guess,come one let's check it out,excuse me sergeant I think I saw something" I said calling the attention of the leader of the patrol "go check it out" he said, he didn't have to tell us twice me and Dave bolted over to the abandon building were we thought we saw dad or Andy's dad. We scanned the through the area looking for someone just when something tackled me to the the ground "die you son of a bitch" my dad shouted from on too me me raising a knife up into the air ready to stab me straight int the chest "dad dad it's me nick!" I said before he had a chance to kill me "nick? What are you doing in a scarecrow uniform?" My father asked puzzled "long story,Dave I found him!" I called out to my brother who had spilt up to try and find dad "Dave's here too? Who's watching the kids?" Dad asked helping me to my feet "brent,don't worry we took the matches with us" I said "good thinking" dad responded "where's the other guys? We heard about Mr.Taddie and Mr.Hoover" I said taking off the scarecrows mask and putting my original one back on "it's just me and Leo now.Suede took a bullet to the abdomen we couldn't stop the bleeding in time.its like someone told them we were coming" dad responded exhausted,he must've been running all night. "Dad!" Dave shouted running over to us "son!" Dad yelled before hugging Dave,dad never called me son..."guys we've got to find Mr.Leo and get the hell out of here "what about the moms?" Dave asked "they never came back" he continued. "What? They've should've been back hours ago" dad said before picking up his walkie talkie "Sarah? Sarah come in baby" he said with no answer. "Sarah are you there" dad said before a long pause come over the walkie "...hello Mark" it was a voice I didn't recognize "you son of a bitch what did you do to my wife!" Dad shouted over at the voice on the other side of the walkie "let's say she's with Clark now Marky" the voice said "you mother fucker so help me god I will kill you and each and everyone one of your fucking scarecrow jerk off that stands in my way!" Dad shouted over the walkie "is that...the Raven?" Dave asked "funny you mention my scarecrows Marky" the voice responded "hello mark" a more familiar voice came from behind us all "Jack?" Dad responded to mr.leo who now had a gun pointed at my father "you? you're working for that corrupt puppet master?! You told him about us! You got us all killed! you got Taddie and Hoover killed,you held Suede in your arms as he died!" Dad shouted at mr.leo "you have a son! What about andy!" I shouted at him "you think I care about that kid? You're as stupid as your father,tell him mark,tell him about Clark and Maria" Mr.Leo responded to me and my father "why'd you do it jack?" Dad questioned him "simply,The Raven pays quite well" Mr.Leo said "I had to kill Chris because he knew too much,Hoover and Taddie were just in the way. I'm gonna miss Suede though,not as much as you though mark" mr,Leo said preparing to shoot my father "no!" I shouted tackling him as hard as I could. I wasn't quite enough though, he fired the fun and hit my father in the chest "you fucking traitor!" I spat in his face,sitting on top of his chest "I'll fucking kill you!" I said again punching him in the face again and again,over and over,one blow after the other until his cries of pain ceased and his face was broken and bloodied "nick" Dave called me over to our fathers side,I ran from Mr.Leos battered body to my fathers side, kneeling down next to him "dad" I said holding back tears,my father dying before my eyes.killed by a man who he trusted "'re a good're mother and I love you very much" my father struggled to say "n-nick...we loved you like our and Dave look after the rest of the lead the rebellion now...y-you are the Cog and Crown..." my father managed to said before his last breathe escaped him,he died there in an abandoned building with a bullet lodged in his heart. "Dad...Dad!" Dave shouted at our father lifeless body before laying himself across him sobbing uncontrollably. I rose to my feet taking my gun with me and walked over the the body of that dirty traitor and began to fire,I empty the whole clip into his body before violently beating his body with the butt of my gun "Nick stop it!" Dave shouted still crying over the death of our father "we need to finished that they started" he said "we need to take down this corrupt empire of that bastard Raven's" he said rising to his feet. "You're right Dave,we need to get back home but first..." I said going to my fathers corpses and dragging him to a cover of the building weigh large pieces of debris around and began to like the debris on his body "he deserve a burial Dave" I said before he could question my actions,before placing the last piece of my fathers makeshift grave over his face I saw a small glimmer on his body,a necklace. I took it off of his neck and looks at the pendant, a Crown within a Cog. "y-you are the Cog and Crown..." my fathered final words rang in my mind. "Let's go Dave" I said completing my fathers tomb "right" Dave said whipping away more tears. We geared up and moved back to the house as quickly as possible without being detected,killing 2 scarecrows along the way. We made out way back to the underground headquarters by midnight "how do we tell him their parents are dead?" Dave asked me "we tell them adults,that's what they're about to become anyways" I told Dave. We exited the elevator and gathered the kids sitting them all down on the couch,"guys there's no easy way to say this but...Raven found out about our plans,they got are parents" I said in my most compassionate tone " moms gone?" Hayden said "I'm afraid so buddy" Dave said,Hayden demeanor changes for his usual angry self to a sad little kid who wanted his mom back. I told Dave to go console him while I tried to explain to the rest of the kids about what we do next "how'd he find out about the raid?" Andy asked,I didn't have the heart to tell him about what his dad did "we don't know Andy. But we do know this,we're going to finish what our parents started here. We're going to pluck we'd feather from the raven. We are going to win this war,for our parents" I said standing up "from now on,we're the creatures they've hunted,we're the ghosts they've tried to kill. We are the soldiers of the resistance,We are the Runaways"

Rise of The Runaways (Crown The Empire story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin