Ch 12 - Hot Chocolate and Spilt Water

Start from the beginning

“I was in the library,” she replied.

He looked briefly at the book then at her, and then, after some hesitation, said.

“D'you want to come for a coffee?”

She was surprised, flattered and a little nervous.

“Oh go on, we can go to the cafe bar, at the end of the street.”

“Okay, then,” she replied, “I could do with a hot drink, It’s freezing.”

They walked to the cafe at the end. Even though the weather was cold, people were sitting at the tables outside, kept warm by tall gas heaters.  Each table had a glass vase with a single flower, as well as the menu. It was expensive but the food looked delicious.

They sat opposite each other. For a few moments there was an awkward silence.

“What would you like to drink?” he said, feeling in his pocket to check how much change he had.

“Oh, just a hot chocolate for me.”

He counted the pound coins, silver and copper in his palm and then said:

“I think I’ll have the same.”

Olivia avoided his gaze and looked down the street. There were several very expensive cars parked in front of the cafe. She looked at them briefly, and then looked at a dog passing.

“Cold isn't it?”

“Yes, it is, yes.”

There was a further awkward silence, as he looked down the street in the other direction.

“What’s your name?”

“Olivia, what’s yours?”


 Ben looked around trying to think of something to say.

“So are you… Chinese then?”

“My father’s Chinese and my mum’s English. She’s going to be coming to pick me up in about 10 or 15 minutes.”

“Oh, I see. I love Chinese food!”

“Really?” said Olivia.

“Yeah, love it.”

“What’s your favourite food then?”

“Chop suey and chips. I usually get it from the Chinese takeaway on the way home from the pub.”

Olivia sighed and continued to gaze across the street.

“Do you like my car?” he said, grinning.

He nodded towards a very expensive shiny yellow sports car that was parked just next to where they were sitting.

“That is your car?” she said, shaking her head from side to side in disbelief.

“Yeah. Nice isn't it?”

“What make is it then?”

“What make? Oh, It’s a...”

He turned his head to one side trying to read the badge on the front.

“Is that really your car?” Olivia said, a smile appearing on her face.

“Well actually, no.”

And then his eyes lit up when he saw who was sitting at the next table.

“Look, it’s him! Did you see him, on Saturday, he scored the goal!”

“Who?” she said.

“Look, look round!”

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