Chapter 19: Tea Party

Start from the beginning

"Shut up! I'll be the one to take (Y/n)'s life!" She goes to stab Sumireko but Hanabusa literally stops the sharp sisscors with her bare hands. Snatching the blades from a shocked Otoya. Sumireko crushes the sisscors into piece by just clenching her hand. She smirks at Otoya.

"Since your here already I'll personally invite you to my tea party."

In the door you and Tokaku eye a dress that Sumireko has gifted you personally. You look at it with a confused look. "Well it is a party, it must be one of those formal kind."

Tokaku stops you from touching and throws the box away. "I'm not letting some other person dress you. You wear whatever you want." Tokaku said passionately.

You blinked and nodded while smiling at Tokaku's childish manner.

So you go to the closet and grab some formal wear.(I don't want to pick something out for my readers since everyone has different taste in appeal. Yall can imagine whatever y'all want ^_^)

After a while you and Tokaku ride the elevator to the top floor. It was now night and you stared at the beautiful moon. "I didn't know there was a room for tea parties on the top floor." You commented. Tokaku didn't dress for the occasion. She didn't believe any words that Sumireko spoke.

Tokaku saw your melancholy expression so she unconsciously grabbed and held your hand. You turn your head to look at Tokaku. She turns her head away from you while blushing.

You smiled.

"H-Have you ever been to a tea party before?" She stuttered while trying to compose herself. She thought you looked gorgeous by the moonlight.

"No this is my first time. What about you?"

"Of course this is my first time."

She said fondly as she let's go of your hand to see if her magazine clip to her gun is loaded and clips it back in. At the same time the elevator dings to the 99th floor.

You enter and gaze at awe to the beautifully decorated stair case. It was like a mansion.
"I had no clue a room like this was built on our school!" You exclaimed.

A voice speaks that wasn't yours or Tokaku's

"I had the Hanabusa corporation buy the top half of the academy. After doing so we remodeled this part of the school." Sumireko announces as she gracefully walks down the stair case.

"Oh Sumireko!"

"Welcome (Y/n), I've been waiting for you." She frowns when she sees Tokaku.

"I see you brought Tokaku with you."

"Oh course I'd tag along. I swore to protect (Y/n) no matter what."

"How considerably rude since I only invited (Y/n) to the tea party. I don't recall giving you an invitation."

"I wouldn't have come to the tea party if I wasn't accompanied by Tokaku."

Hanabusa sighs as she now glares disdainfully at the both you from the top of the stairs. She struggles to smile
"You leave me no choice then. Please follow me into the foray" she said as she opens two grand doors. As you walk through the doors you gasp in horror.

"This is the main group if the evening." She gestures as she follows behind you both.

At the table is everyone in the black class. Except... they're seated so lifeless like. Almost as if they were...


The only moving body at the table was Otoya. She is gagged and bound to a straight jacket on her chair. She is struggling immensely. You do nothing to help since the last time you were with her she literally tried to reopen and crave your scars.

"Everyone is here except for Nio, its very tragic since sent her an invite as well. Regardless the party must go on!" Sumireko announces as the doors behind y'all shout loudly with a click.

The doors were locked, no matter how hard Tokaku tried to break it down or kick it in, the doors wouldn't open.

You were now in a locked room with the orginal 12 members of the assassins/murderers that have tried to kill you before.

Ah such sad times are coming to us my readers. For the next chapter will be it's last! But worry not! I will write you an ova special chapter for you! Their was an ova in the anime so be prepared for it since it concludes with everyone on an island in bikinis for some odd reason? Anyway! I'll see you all next time bye bye!

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