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"I mean why shouldn't we be? We were once both the same, and we're the same rank, and we do the same job, just for different people. I don't see why it's so bad for us to not hate each other." Beelzebub spoke, confusion in their voice.

Gabriel's POV
The question Beelzebub gave confused him to no end, they hadn't spoken in ages. And since the events of Armageddon were unsuccessful the words spoken between the two had somewhat made Gabriel feel differently about the Prince of Hell, and he didn't like it. "Look... Bee. I don't know why we are conditioned to hate each other but I don't see why, If we're careful, why it should matter if we were friends or not... I mean no one has to know do they?" Gabriel nervously rambled nervously, he regretted it as soon as he started to speak but he continued with it, it was something he'd want to say to the Prince of Hell for a while but until now, he hadn't felt the time to be right until now. "Gabriel... I. I don't know what to szsay... but I guess if you want to. We could be friendsz...?" Beelzebub trailed off, their voice quiet and their head bowed, almost in shame and embarrassment. "Bee... look at me. Please." Gabriel speaks, his voice soft and welcoming. Beelzebub lifts their head, their pale blue/ grey eyes meeting Gabriels purple ones. "Gabriel... i. Did you mean that? Do you, do you really want to be friendszz?" Beelzebub's voice sounded concerned, maybe hurt? "Bee do you... do you care?" Gabriel was now more confused than he thought was ever imaginable. There was a moment of silence and for the second time, Beelzebub bowed their head. "Yesz." came a quiet mumbled answer from the small demon who was hunched over, almost hidden in their own body and its shadow. Gabriel sighed, he knew it wasn't easy for the demon to say such meaningful things, and for that, he truly appreciated it. He felt like that even in a small way, he wanted to reassure the demon, that he cared to. And so, with one small and gentle motion, he bent down and hugged the Prince of Hell, and it hurt, only mildly but it did hurt, like a small burning sensation. "Gabriel? What are you doing?" the question arose from the small person underneath him. He immediately pulled back, full of embarrassment "I didn't say that I didn't like it, Gabriel, I simply asked what you were doing." Beelzebub spoke again, implying that the hug shared between the two was actually rather enjoyable. Without a word, the Archangel moved back to the previous position and continued to hug the demon, and the demon hugged back. This new feeling shared between the two made them feel that being friends maybe wasn't as bad as it seemed and that if no one knew, there was no harm in them being friends. After a minute or so Beelzebub nestled their head into the crook of Gabriel's neck. Being finally, something they haven't felt in a while, at peace. After a few minutes of content silence, a knock came from the other side of the door. They both flinched at the interruption of the silence, Gabriel pulled back. "Come in!" Gabriel spoke, giving a small smile to Beelzebub, who surprisingly returned the smile to the Archangel. The smile from the Prince took him back, and surprised him, making him smile to himself. Micheal walked in through the door. "Gabriel your next meeting is coming up, I must ask you to finish up here." Micheal speaks, eyeing Beelzebub up and down. "Okay Micheal, all finish up here and send Beelzebub out when we're done." Gabriel speaks, almost wishing Micheal would leave the room. "Okay Gabriel, I'll give you two a minute." Micheal says before closing the door. Gabriel sighs before turning back to Beelzebub "I guess this is goodbye for now... friend" Gabriel says, wishing they had more time together. Beelzebub sighs as well "I guess so, friend." a small smile spreads across their face at the word. Gabriel walked over to Beelzebub giving them one last parting hug. "I guess I'll see you around," Gabriel says, letting go of Beelzebub. "Yeah... see ya." Beelzebub says as they stand up. Their feet hit the floor and they hiss, forgetting the pain of walking back through to exit Heaven. "For someone's sake!" Beelzebub grumbles under their breath as they hop across the floor to the door. Gabriel cringes as he watches the small Prince in pain. But he knew he couldn't help him, then people would know. And Gabriel would fall, and he couldn't risk it. He wouldn't fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2019 ⏰

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