(Reqeusts are open!) nagito and planes

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(If you have any requests for stories, just ask..uhhhh...This will also be a random book about danganronpa.....)

-let's just say they can leave the island for trips and learning experiences-

Nagito-"you know I can feel emotions to right...like happiness,sadness and.....fear"

Akane-"yeah..what's your fear?"

Nagito- mumbles "planes."

Chiaki -"what did you say komeada?"

Nagito- "I said planes."

Akane-"planes out of all things planes?"

Souda-trying not to laugh"planes!"


Hajime-"why not try to overcome this fear.."


Nagito-mumbles "I was the only survivor in a plane crash"

No one hears him

Peko-"well fear of planes is kinda uncommon these days"

Monokuma suddenly appears -"we are all going on a trip to Maui!"

Ibuki-"oooohh awesome!"


Akane-"ya! Sweet!"

Mahuri -"nice!"

Nagito -" yay um....monokuma May I ask how are we getting there?"

Monokuma-"by plane of course upupupup we are taking itsalie airlines"

Nagito-"can I stay here....please"

Hajime and chiaki look at each other and nod

A while later

Nagito is carried by hajime and chiaki whom are trying to get him on the plane.

Nekomaru- " i got this" picks up nagito like a sack of potatoes and carries him onto the plane.

nagito is put (forced) into a window seat by nekomaru..

Hajime -sits in the middle seat

chiaki-sits next to Hajime

Akane-"they better have good food or else...!"

Chiaki-"look what I got" pulls out 3 3DS

Monokuma-"who's ready for a awesome disbearful flight!!!"


Fuyuhiko-"f*ck you Monokuma"

Peko-"young master language"

During midflight

Chiaki-"Uh....nagito are you ok?...

Nagito-looks like he having Vietnam war flashbacks and is gripping the seat tightly....

Hajime-"..are you sure your ok??"

Nagito-"w-what..h-huh I am fine ok"(is definitely not fine) Goes back to playing on the 3DS chiaki gave him 


Muruko/co pilot -"attention all passengers we are have a plane malfunction, we are going to out of control"

-The plane suddenly is losing altitude and plummeting at high speeds-

Nagito-mumbles "you should had never brought me on this plane!....."

Akane-"my FOOD!" Her food goes flying out of her reach

Souda-"we are all Going to die!!"-starts screaming-

Hajime mumbles-"sh*t..."

Chiaki-is engrossed in her game
The plane suddenly stops plummeting

JUNK-O-"how did you like that BOI! did it fill you with DESPAIR!?"

Nagito-"....." looks like he is having war flashbacks

Hajime" OK that's the last straw!! who wants to help me kill junko?"





Sonia-"i will gladly help"

Mikan-"l-lets not murder out j-junko"

Hiyoko-"shut up pig barf!"

Mahiru-"Hiykoko please apologise!"

Hiykoko-"fine.....I-i am sorry mikan"


Monokuma-"we are at Maui folks!"

Ibuki"yay!!" Jumps off out of the plane

Hajime-" now that wasn't that bad now was it komaeda?"

Nagito "I guess but I have been in much worse"

Souda-throws a Soda can away and hits junko on the head

Muruko-  looks around..."sis?" (?_?) looks at her sisters unconscious body...

-In the end everyone enjoyed the trip-


(What is with my mind)

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