Autumn, Day 26, Year 1

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               A week and one day later, you find yourself sitting across from Arlo at The Round Table, listening as he passionately talks about the Civil Corps. He tells you about the Flying Pigs and his goal to eventually join them. You don't mind; you could listen to him talk for hours. But Arlo's too much of a gentleman to spend your entire date talking about himself. He asks you about life in Barnarock and how things are coming along at the workshop. You tell him about being raised by your aunt and your father's want for adventure. The date carries on with pleasant conversation and equally pleasant food. You're reluctant for the night to end and it seems Arlo is too because when you've finished eating, he offers to walk you back to your workshop.

                Except you don't go back to your workshop. Instead, the two of you walk the length of the town talking about any and everything, laughing more than you probably have in years. You stop for a break, sitting on the bench beneath the Wishing Tree; your ankle is still healing from your "adventure" in the cave last week. You sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the warm night air and each other's company. You gaze up at the stars, your eyes slowly drooping. You don't notice yourself leaning towards Arlo, or even the feeling of your cheek against his shoulder. You do notice when his arm winds around your waist and he leans his head against yours.

                You sit for a few more minutes, basking in the warmth from Arlo's body before a long yawn stretches out of your mouth and you decide that you probably should head home soon. Arlo is the first to stand, offering his hand to help you up. You take it and blush when he doesn't let go as you two head towards your workshop. The walk is slow and content and you savor every moment from it, right up to when you reach your front door. You're about to say good night when Arlo tugs on your hand and turns you around to face him. You barely have time to register the gentle hand on your cheek and even less time before his lips land on yours. The kiss is quick and soft and absolutely perfect and Arlo pulls back just enough so he can lean next to you ear.

                "Good night," he whispers, releasing your hand and beginning his walk back to the Civil Corps headquarters. You stand there, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape with your face burning crimson. You stare at his retreating back until he reaches the town gates and looks back over his shoulder at you. He smiles widely when he notices you still watching him, and you can't help but smile back. Sam will surely tease you about this the next time you two talk but right now you couldn't care less; you're feeling warm, happy, and utterly in love.

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