Jealous Bakugou X SMR

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This story was requsted by crystalthewolf121. Thank you for the first 3 requests. I hope this is to your liking. If you guys want to request please put it on the request page with a plot and if u want a lemon fluff or angst. This will be fluffy. But just because its fluff doesn't mean it sfw. This is bakugou so he tends to cuss alot you guys have been warned.

No one's Pov

Bakugou was sitting at his desk looking very annoyed and angry. The reason for this? Bakugou's boyfriend was talking with deku of all people! Everyone who wasn't working could tell that Bakugou was angry. No one wanted to ask him what was wrong. Now the reason Bakugou's boyfriend was talking with deku was to make Katsuki jealous. Now that seems stupid. But being Bakugou's boyfriend ment not being a push over, being the seme in the relationship and not letting Bakugou take over.

Bakugou's Pov((you have been warned))

'WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING TALKING TO FUCKING DEKU?! DEKU OF ALL THE FUCKING PEOPLE HE COULD TALK TO?!' I was pissed off. My boyfriend of 3 years is talking to deku! '(M/n) is mine!' I couldn't take it anymore I left then no one was looking at me. I walked to my dorm room and slamed the door shut. I walked over to my bed and dropped my self onto it. "What if he's in love with deku.... I don't blame him...." I descided to take a nap.

(M/n)'s pov

I saw bakugou leave. I followed him because I saw tears in his eyes. 'I didn't mean to make him so upset.... I just wanted him to see what happens when he pays more attention to his hero work than me.... I hope He's not to made at me.....' I walked to his dorm room which was next to mine. When I was about to knock I heard what he said. This only made me feel 10 times worse than I already was. I knocked a few times but got no answer. "Bakugou....please open the door...." He must have heard me bc I heard the door unlock and open slightly. "What do you want (M/n)...?" "To tell you I'm sorry." After i apologized he let me in only to hug me making me fall onto his bed. "Bakugou?" "Cuddle me...." I sweat dropped at his angry voice. "O-ok..."

No One's Pov

Bakugou made (M/n) cuddle with him for the first day the rest of the days (M/n) had to carry Bakugou around to every class as punishment for making him upset. By the time Bakugou was done with the punishment (M/n) was stronger than him. But what was even stronger was the relationship (M/n) had with Katsuki. They decided they wouldn't hurt each other anymore. And if they did the one that was hurt would deserve a punishment from that day on.


I hope you guys enjoyed this the next chapter will be unconfident Kurishima x seme male reader. There will be a bit of depression and eating dissorders in the next story so read at your own terms. If you guys have eating disorders or depression please try to get help. Those are not good things to keep hidden and need to be addressed as soon as possible. And if you guys need some one to talk to there are people who will help with that so please try to get help if you have a problem.

Anime/game boys x Seme male readerWhere stories live. Discover now