Not an update sorry.

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Sorry this isnt an update vut I thought you guys would find this funny. So like alot of people I like Asmr. More specific I like that Asmr were people act like anime characters. So I am currently at a family get together. And there's a good 80+ people. (Family brought their kids and friends)(we all have masks) and I have earbuds that have to be charged. I forgot to fully charge them and it was at that time I was listening to a nsfw Asmr while writing. And my earbuds died. And my volume was on full blast. And everyone in the room at the time heard what I was listening to. Thank god all the kids were not around. But the look on my family's faces will haunt my dreams for the rest of my god damn life. My family all stared at me, and I wanted to die. The rest of the time I've been here everyone has been teasing and messing with me and I just want to sleep. And I'm sorry Im not updating. Ive been really really sick lately so I have had no energy and I hate it. I'll try to write on {YOUR GIFT} today or tomorrow....(maybe)....

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