Chapter 5 "Eyes Up High"

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Arriving at the mall, everyone gets out of Black Betty.
"Shaylynn, eyes up high," Hondo tells her.
"Got it!" she tells him before she takes off Deacon grabs her hand and quickly kisses her, "Stay safe!" he tells her.
"You too!" she says and takes off running.

Making it up on to the roof, Shaylynn watches as the team heads into one of the buildings.
Watching through her scope, she sees a guy getting ready to head into the same building the team went into.
Pulling her trigger, she watches as the guy goes down when she hears a noise behind her.
She turns around to see a man rushing at her with a knife.
Pulling out her sidearm, she shoots him in the head. The guy falls and ends up landing on her.
Pushing him off, she rolls over to where her rifle is.
Looking through the scope, she sees a group of men rushing toward the building.
One by one, shots ring out. Shaylynn takes the men out.
Making sure all the men are down, Shaylynn rolls over and holds her side.
Five minutes go by and Hicks notices Shaylynn hasn't come down and he can't see her on the roof.
"I'll be right back," he tells Cortez and takes off running to the building Shaylynn's on top of.

On the roof, Hicks sees Shaylynn laying there.
Running over he sees a lot of blood under her, "I need paramedics up here now!" he radios to Cortez.
"On it!" Cortez radios back.
Eight minutes later, the paramedics along with Hicks are coming down from the roof with Shaylynn on a gurney.
"What happened?" Cortez asks Hicks.
"She was stabbed!" Hicks tells her, "I'll go to the hospital with her," he tells her.
Cortez nods, "What about Deacon?" she asks.
"Don't say anything to him until he comes out!" Hicks says as he gets up into the ambulance.
The doors close and the ambulance speeds off.

Ten minutes later, the team comes out with the hostages and see the bodies on the ground, AK-47s laying beside each of them.
All the paramedics rush over to the hostages and take them over to the ambulances as the team walks over to S.W.A.T.'s command center.
Taking off his gear, Deacon looks around for Shaylynn, "Have you seen Shaylynn?" he asks Cortez.
Cortez looks at him, "She was taken to UCLA Medical Center. Hicks is with her," she tells him.
Deacon looks at her concerned, "Why?" he asks.
"She was stabbed. Probably to keep her from shooting all those guys but it didn't stop her," Cortez tells him as an Officer starts walking past them, Cortez stopping him, "Take Sergeant Kay to UCLA Medical Center. His wife has been injured!"
"You got it!" the officer says to her.
LHe looks at Deacon and they both run over to his patrol car.


Running through the halls, Deacon finds out Shaylynn has been taken into surgery.
He walks into the waiting area where he sees Hicks.
Deacon walks up to him, "Have you heard any news?" he asks Hicks.
"Not yet! She's going to be fine!" Hicks tells him.
Deacon looks at him then puts his head down. 

"I should have been there for her!" Deacon says putting his hands on his face then on his head as he walks away from Hicks

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"I should have been there for her!" Deacon says putting his hands on his face then on his head as he walks away from Hicks.

"I should have been there for her!" Deacon says putting his hands on his face then on his head as he walks away from Hicks

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"You know you can't do that to yourself!" Hicks tells him.
"Why not?" Deacon asks, "She was there for me and the team and made sure those guys went down while she was on that roof bleeding!"
"David, she's a trained Sniper! She's been trained to do that! To make sure to take down the enemy at all cost to protect her team even if that means sacrificing her own life!" Hicks tells him.
Deacon glares at Hicks not wanting to hear that but knows it's true.

An hour later the rest of the team walks into the waiting room, Chris sits down next to Deacon.
"Have you heard anything?" she asks him.
"No, not a thing," he tells her when the doctor walks in, "David Kay?" he questions as he looks around.
Deacon hurries and stands up making his way over to the doctor, "I'm David Kay," he says.
"Your wife is out of surgery and in recovery," the doctor tells him, "The surgery went well and no major organs were pierced."
"When can I see her?" Deacon asks.
"You can go back right now," the doctor tells him, "I'll take you if you like."
Deacon nods then turns around, "I'm heading back," he tells everyone.
He walks out of the room with the doctor, "Alright everyone, lets head back," Hicks says.

Walking into recovery, Deacon sees Shaylynn.
She turns her head and smiles at him as he walks toward her, "Hi," she says when he's standing beside her bed.
Being able to see his face better, she sees tears in his eyes, "David, what's wrong?" she asks.
"I should have been there for you!" he tells her.
Shaylynn reaches out for his hand, he takes a hold of hers, "We both have jobs to do! You can't be worrying about me every time you go into a situation. That will get you killed!"
"Things are different now! I have to worry about you, you're my wife!" David reminds her.
"And even though the rule of dating or being married to co-workers is gone, we still have to be smart about this! That rule can go back into effect at any time!" Shaylynn says, "Have you been told when I can get out of here?"
Deacon starts laughing, "Probably in a couple of days," he tells her.
"Tomorrow," Shaylynn says, "I'm getting out tomorrow!"
Deacon gives her a glare, "You need to do what the doctor says."
"He doesn't know my body like I do," she tells him.
"Or me! I know your body!" Deacon says smiling.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Yes, and you! Now get down here! I need to feel that beard against me!"
"Yes, Ma'am!" Deacon says before bending down to kiss her. 

Sorry it's a short chapter

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