Chapter 2 "Caught Your Eye"

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Back at Headquarters, Shaylynn heads to the locker room to get cleaned up.
Sitting on a bench, she bends over and puts her hands on her face ashamed of what happened.
After a few minutes, she stands up and puts her first aid supplies back into her locker when she hears the door open and close.
Shutting her locker door, she sees Deacon staring at her, "Are you sure you're alright?" he asks her.
"Yes, I'm fine. Like I already told you my ego's bruised," Shaylynn tells him.
Deacon moves closer and kisses her, she pushes him back, "You know we can't do that here!" she says upset.
He looks at her, "I don't care anymore!" Deacon says as he walks back up to her.
Putting his arms around her, he pulls her close, "I'm tired of being told by the higher-ups what I can and can't do! I can't help the way I feel for you and shouldn't be penalized because we work together!"
He leans down and kisses her again.
A few seconds later they hear the door open.
They quickly separate from each other to see Hondo has walked in, "Deacon, I'd like to talk to Shaylynn alone," Hondo tells him.
Deacon nods. He looks back at Shaylynn before walking to the door and walking out.
Hondo walks toward Shaylynn, "There's this rule that people who work together can't be in a relationship with each other," he tells her.
"I know and think it's a stupid rule!" Shaylynn says.
"It doesn't matter if you think it's stupid or not! I don't want to lose you or Deacon!" Hondo tells her concerned.
"Why would you lose either of us?" she asks.
Hondo gives her a look, "I see the way you two look at each other. I blew it off until today at the scene when Deacon hugged you or should I say took you into an embrace. I could tell by the look on his face he has feelings for you. You two need to stop before someone higher up sees what I do."
He turns around and walks out of the locker room.
Shaylynn looks up to the ceiling, shaking her head.
After a few minutes, she walks out of the locker room to see Hondo and the Captain talking. That's when she sees it, Hondo touches her on the shoulder. Not a pat, but an intimate touch.
Plus the way they look at each other tells it all. 

This makes Shaylynn's blood boil after him basically chewing her out in the locker room

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This makes Shaylynn's blood boil after him basically chewing her out in the locker room.
Walking past them, she heads outside.
Going past everyone, she stands out by the road to calm down.

Ten minutes later, Hondo comes walking up to her, "There you are! When I couldn't find you I thought you went home."
Shaylynn turns around and looks at him, "You have enough fucking nerve to preach at me for not getting involved with David but here you are touching Jessica!"
"Shaylynn," Hondo says until she stops him.
"Don't Shaylynn me! That touch was a 'friendly' touch! I don't know many who touch their boss! Tell me, do you touch Hicks like that? And the looks! That isn't how one co-worker looks at another one! Luca and Street don't look at each other like that!" she says to him.
Hondo just looks at her, "We were an item but broke it off when the Commissioner found out about us."
"But it's obvious you two still have feelings for each other," Shaylynn says.
"You're right!" Hondo tells her.
"I need to go!" Shaylynn says.
She walks away over to her car, gets in, and takes off.


Downtown L.A. Shaylynn walks into a building with people staring at her since she's in her SWAT uniform.
Opening a door to an office, Shaylynn barges inside, "Mayor Barrett, I'm so sorry! She just walked straight past me to your office!" the woman says that's behind Shaylynn.
"It's alright, Kristy. Ms. Voight, what can I do for you?" the Mayor asks.
Shaylynn looks to her side to see Kristy shutting the door, "I want you to change the rule that co-workers can't be involved!" she tells the Mayor.
Barrett smiles at her, "So, who caught your eye? Was it Hondo?" she asks.
"No! It doesn't matter who caught my eye! It's a stupid rule! No one can control who they fall in love with! Especially if it's someone they work with!" Shaylynn tells her.
Barrett's smile gets bigger, "It's Deacon, isn't it," she says.
Shaylynn puts her hands on the desk and leans forward, "Have the rule changed or I'm gone!"
She stands back up, "You have until the end of the week to have it changed!" Shaylynn says walking toward the door.
"It might take longer than that to have it changed," Barrett tells her.
"You're the Mayor! You have three days!" Shaylynn says opening up the door and walks out.
As she's walking out of the building, her alert goes off. She looks at her phone to see it's about a hostage situation.
Running to her Camaro, Shaylynn gets in and speeds off.


Arriving at the scene, the Caption and Commander see Shaylynn walking up to her, "What's going on?" Shaylynn asks them.
"It was a hostage situation but now it's turned into a critical situation," Cortez tells her.
Shaylynn looks around to see her team is nowhere around, "Where are they?" she asks.
"They're inside. They've been taken, hostage. There were no hostages, to begin with. This was an ambush to get them in there," Hicks tells her.
Shaylynn looks at the structure, "I'll be right back," she says and runs off.
"Where's she going?" Hicks asks looking at Cortez.
"No clue," she says watching Shaylynn run to her car.
Shaylynn comes back over to them carrying a case, "What's in there?" Cortez asks her.
"My secret weapon," Shaylynn tells her.
She walks over to the SWAT truck and starts climbing up the ladder.
Opening the case, Shaylynn takes out a huge rifle. She attaches a bigger than average scope to it.
Looking through the scope she can see six heat signatures on the floor and five walking around.
Flipping the safety off Shaylynn radios out, "Everyone stay close to the floor! Do not, I repeat, do not get up until threat is taken down!"
Shaylynn starts firing at the brick house, the bullets piercing through the bricks like butter.
Taking down three suspects, the other two take off running.
She follows their movements through the house sending out two more shots. Then watches the last of the heat signatures fall to the floor.
"Threat is neutralized!" Shaylynn radios out.
The other SWAT team rushes in as Shaylynn puts her stuff back into the case.
She comes down the ladder as her team starts coming out of the house. Walking around the truck, Shaylynn sees Deacon walk out.
He sees her and starts walking in her direction,
Walking up to her, he starts kissing her catching her off guard with Hicks looking at Cortez and everyone else looking at each other.
Shaylynn pulls herself away, "David, are you crazy to do that here?!"
Deacon pulls her to him, "I had an AK-47 pointed at my head! I might not have made it out of that house, so I don't care!" he tells her.
He starts kissing her again but more passionately this time.  

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