He looks around as if to figure out why he woke up and stops when he sees my face not very far from his. I realize how close I am to him and my hand is almost resting on his shoulder. I know I should probably pull back and just go to sleep, but Seokjin doesn't let go of me with his eyes.

Several long seconds pass and none of us look away. I'm entranced. Despite the darkness I can see every detail of his face. His long lashes, the tiny freckles on his nose, and the smoothness of his lips. What would happen if I kissed him right now? Would he like it?

I try placing my hand on his shoulder and he doesn't move. If anything his eyes move down to my lips before quickly going back to looking at my eyes. I'm not sure if I just imagined it, but when he does it again I know it's actually happening. Does he want me to kiss him?

I slowly move closer to see if he'll react, but he stays completely still. I'm so nervous I could explode, but I'm going to do it. This might be the only chance I'll ever get. I slide my arm around him and he still doesn't seem to care or think that I'm too close. I take a silent breath before inching closer. He keeps his mouth closed, but I can still smell the alcohol he's been drinking. 

I close the distance between us and my mind practically explodes when my lips lightly brush against his.

BITCH WTF! I can't believe this is happening! I'm not dreaming, right? No, I can definitely feel his warm lips against mine. It's not a dream! I'm actually kissing Seokjin!

My body aches for more than just a light peck, so I press against him a bit more. He makes the tiniest sound and his eyes flutter shut. Holy mother of God! Maybe I died at the hospital and went to heaven. If this is what it's like I wouldn't mind it at all.

I slide my free hand up to his face and tilt it to give me better access to his mouth. It makes him part his lips for me and my heart does parkour in my chest. I try moving my lips against him and he sloppily meets up with every movement.


My hand clutches on to the front of his shirt and I kiss him more desperately. The exhaustion I felt only moments ago is gone completely and I have the energy to keep going like this forever. Seokjin leans back a bit against the couch and moves his hand up to my neck to play with my hair, all while letting me have my way with his lips.

I'm deceased. I might actually pass out. This is all too good to be true. Why would Seokjin agree to kiss me all of a sudden? I get that he's drunk as fuck, but even when he's been drunk in the past we've never been able to be serious around each other. How am I supposed to face him after this? Do I need to finally confess my true feelings to him or is it already obvious? Does he feel the same way?

Suddenly the lights in the room turn on and it blinds me for a second. Our kiss is broken and when my eyes adjust to the brightness I'm met with Yoongi's shocked face staring at us.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

I quickly break free from Seokjin and take several steps away from the couch.

"N-nothing!" I answer.

Yoongi crooks an eyebrow at me and glances over at Seokjin who's getting up from the couch, but eventually he just shakes his head and continue on into the kitchen, leaving us alone again. Seokjin drags himself along the armrest and once he's out on the open floor he immediately loses his balance. I run over and catch him in my arms before he can fall. I help him up on his feet and only lightly support him with my hands on his waist. What I certainly didn't expect was for him to start chuckling at me. He runs his hands along my scratched arms and looks at me with heavy-lidded eyes. He's beyond gorgeous. He leans in closer to my ear and I shudder from his breath on my neck.

"You're hard," he whispers.

A chill runs down my spine and it's as if time freezes. How does he know that? I didn't even notice myself until he said it. My crotch didn't touch him or anything, so how? I'm so embarrassed. What if he thinks I'm some kind of noob who gets hard just from kissing? I mean... I did, but that's beyond the point. How could I not get excited when the most perfect man alive, who I on top of that have the biggest fucking crush on, gave me his attention?

Seokjin moves one of his hands down along my body and without batting an eye he grabs my junk. I'm shocked to say the least and my breath hitches from having his hand on my dick. He just smirks at my reaction and gets a good feel with his hand through my pants.

"I'd say 8 is pretty accurate," he says loud enough just for me to hear it. "Alphas are impressive..."

What the fuck? Wait... is he referring to that time when I asked him to grade me? Was that what he meant back then? He did stare at me awfully long... But who cares?! He has his fucking hand on my dick! Why am I getting lost in thought at this very crucial moment?!

I try to come up with something to say or do, but yet again we're interrupted before I get the chance.

"Seriously, what the fuck are you doing?" Yoongi asks.

Seokjin lets go of me and wobbles towards Yoongi instead. He stretches out his arms and falls against Yoongi's chest.

"Yoongi~ I'm tired, help me get to bed," he whines cutely.

...What? We just kissed, he touched my dick saying it was impressive... and now he asks someone else to take him to bed? Sure, they're roommates, and I've seen Yoongi help him several times before, and Seokjin probably means it in a completely platonic way... but it pisses me off. 

Yoongi struggles to keep Seokjin up on his feet and looks very bothered by the whole situation. Eventually he puts Seokjin's arms around his neck and wraps his own arms around Seokjin's body to try and somehow get him into their room. However he only takes one step before stopping when his eyes meet mine. 

"Um, Jungkook... your eyes are looking a bit scary there," Yoongi says. 

I catch myself glaring at him for all I'm worth, but that would still not be a reason for him to say that. 

"Huh?" is all I can manage to say. 

"Your eyes... they're red," he says and even points at me. 

Red? Is he stupid? Why would my eyes be red? That's not physically possible- Oh, wait. I'm an alpha, it's totally possible. But they still shouldn't be red. An alpha's eyes only become red when they're about to be, uh... intimate... with someone, or if they're really angry. There might be other reasons too, but those are the ones I remember the doctor told me.

I take out my phone to check myself in the reflection and lo and behold my eyes are glowing red, but it doesn't last very long and they return to their original brown color. I don't understand. Is it because I saw Yoongi basically hugging Seokjin? Do I become angry that easily? I need to hurry up and get some kind of control over myself unless I want to end up as that alpha at the café. 

"I should go to sleep," I say, deliberately without looking in Seokjin and Yoongi's direction. 

"You've had a long day," Yoongi says. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I mutter through clenched teeth, but quickly relax my jaw when I realize what I'm doing.

I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door shut behind me. I've only been an alpha for a few hours and I'm already acting like an asshole. I never asked for this. I thought for sure I'd be a beta like everyone else. I don't want to be this way. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it. You can't change who you are... even though I really want to. 

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