3/3: Attention

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Ren: *grins* Well, what happens now? 

Hayato: This is your story, stupid woman!!! 

Ren: Ohh... were you liking the story now? :D 

Hayato: .... -.-* 

Tsuna: R-Ren does not own KHR, only the OC and the plotline. ^^; 

Ren: Wai Tsuna! Don't worry... you will be having yourself as well.. :D 

Hayato: D-Don't let Jyuudaime in your stupid quest!!! 


Vongola Head Quarters [Namimori, Japan] You sighed gloomily, not happy at the least when you're back at Namimori, Japan. The Headquarters is bigger than the Varia, and the place seems to be a vacation place to everyone. Surprisingly, near in the Middle School. 

You saw the External Adviser Sawada Iemitsu and nodded at him blankly, "Welcome back, Strauss..." 

"I am so eager to work with you." you sardonically replied which Sawada just ignored as both of you strides the said headquarters, which look like an ordinary mansion. 

He let you stay in a single room with necessities you can use. "Here's your room. Everyone will be staying here every weekend." 

"Yea, whatever..." 


"Ne, Aliyah-chan! Join us here!" you paused, looking at the brown haired girl who invited you; it was Haru, they were at the Entertainment Room of the Mansion. It was Saturday, you left your room to train; you were hiding, but they caught you. Hibari and Mukoru are not around, since you know they have other businesses to do, rather than stay and mingle around. 

You went to your training room, isolating yourself from the people who are at the place. You sighed, twirling your silver gun with your finger; just lying down at the Tatami floor. The place is bullet and soundproof, all you could see are metals that are enclosed by the tatami mats. 

"I missed Fran's illusion about Levi, Xanxus and Squalo in ballet dressed with tutu shoes; I missed Mama Luss' mouth-watering foods; I missed Xanxus' trash talk; I missed Squalo's 'Voi's Statement'; I missed Lev- no, I don't missed that stupido..." you groaned as you look up at the ceiling. "I missed Belphie's 'Ushishi-ness'..." you added as you sat up and sighed once again. 

The door opens, your eyes hardened and glared at the door as you point your gun and shot a strike on the metal door. "O-Oi, baka onna! Don't shoot me!" 


Your heart beat stop, as if not wanting to let you live. That deep voice of the dynamite user. Your eyes widened as you look at Gokudera Hayato whom entered your training room. You look at him blankly as you turned your gaze away from him. 

You suddenly stood up, "I'm leaving if you want to use the place..." you murmured, placing your gun at your holster and stride your way out of the room. 

"Wait, Aliyah..." Hayato suddenly called out, holding your arms firmly but gently. "You're ignoring everyone from the Vongola, and even the Jyuudaime. Don't you miss them?" 

You tried to pull away from his grasp, you paused; raising an eyebrow. "Jyuudaime, huh? Is that the only thing popping in your mind?" you let out, looking at him mockingly; he narrowed his eyes, you don't seem to respect Tsuna... that's what he thought. No, it's the opposite... you respect Tsuna like you do to Xanxus. "Who are you to talk anyway, Gokudera?" you pulled your gun out of its holster, pointing at his head as he looks at you stunned. 

KHR :: Caught Your Attention :: Gokudera Hayato Three-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now