I got up and stormed from the room. I wanted to slam the door but that would only get me into trouble. Instead, I closed it gently behind me and growled as I stalked down the hall.

I headed down stairs in search of food so I could return to my room. The kitchen was only slightly populated with the odd wolf sat munching on some type of food.

The diet I kept in order to mask my scent was a mixture of red meats and other proteins, not the normal diet of sweet fruits, nuts and white meat an omega should be on. At first, I had suffered great stomach aches because of it, but my stomach had learned to adapt.

I grabbed a packet of carved roast beef and took a few slices of bread, placing them on a plate and putting the ingredients away.

I took the plate and was about to walk back to my room when I was suddenly intercepted by an angry she-wolf. Bracken's sister.

Leah shoved her hands on her shapely hips with a growl that she thought was intimidating. I rolled my eyes at the dumb brunette, wanting to shove her face out of the way and stalk off.

"I heard what you did to my brother this morning. What's wrong with you freak? You almost killed him!" She growled in a high pitched, bitchy voice.

"Did he send you here to bark at me?" I questioned flatly, with a bored expression. "Can Bracken not fight his own battles?"

"No, he doesn't know I'm here. But I am. Stay away from my brother. Or better yet, leave. I don't know why Luka keeps you around. You're an unstable r*tard."

I barely flinched. I'd been hearing this for the longest time. The rumors that went round about me. Questioning why I hadn't been cast out of the pack yet after so many warnings for fighting.

I was the freak, the weird one, the lunatic. That's what they called me behind my back as if being a shifter didn't mean that I could hear most things within a seven meter radius. I heard everything they said.

It used to hurt, but I'd learned to block it out. Raven on the other hand was having a hard time dealing with the rejection of his pack mates.

"Are you done?" I asked the woman still unfortunately standing in front of me.

"Ugh, why even bother," she let out a disgusted grunt. "Just stay away from my brother, asshole."

She spun on her heel and stalked off. I followed her lead but retreated back to my room instead. Once I was in the safety of my room, door locked and all, I let my shoulders drop a little and a puff of air left my lips.

"Amari, w-what are going to do about Luka?" Raven squeaked and I tensed.

"I'll think if something," I sighed tiredly, trying not to panic. I still had a few hours to think of something.

"We can't disobey, w-we'll get into trouble," Raven continued and I clenched my fists in annoyance.

"Stop going on Raven. I'll work it out!" I growled. He whimpered, retreating to curl up in the back of my mind again at my aggressive snap.

I took a deep breath, sat on the floor and picked at my food. I couldn't eat while I worried. I'd gone ten years without shifting. I could avoid it for ten more if I absolutely had to.

A plan began to form. If I didn't show up to dinner and claimed to be sick, maybe I could get away with staying in bed. Luka would catch on that I wasn't well and leave me be - hopefully.

I managed to force down my lunch, knowing that if I was planning on skipping dinner, I'd be hungry later. After the plate emptied, I placed it on my dresser and walked over to the trunk at the bottom of my bed.

Omega's Broken Soul [MxM] (Moon Cave Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now