Chapter 3: Holds you back

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"Mommy look I drew you a picture"
"Look what you did,You wasted paper,that wasn't cheep.Money doesn't grow on trees!" "And the people who made the paper didn't make So mistakes like you could scribble on it!"
Jessica's POV
I stare a the police a good three minutes before saying "You can't just call it suicide without investigation"I say in my normal cold tone "Ma'am there was nothing else that could explain his death,I'm sorry" A police officer said with sympathy in his eyes "Whatever,It's not like you would take a child seriously anyway"I say underneath my breath "Jess,let it go he was dead when you got in there anyway"M says "That doesn't matter to me Oliver was my first real friend who didn't just stab me in the back,His death means everything to me." I say looking Mysteria straight in the eye "What am I not your friend anymore" M says "I said first,Not only"I say while turning to see June,Oliver's mom talking to the police. "June I so sorry about Oliver" M and I say at the same time "Oh,girls this must be hitting you so hard" June says "Not as hard as it must be hitting you,But June can I talk to you"I say "Sure thing sweetie" June says
"They're calling it suicide,Oliver would never do that" "I know that's why I want to make it right I want to find out who did this but I am going to need help from you,This can start when you are ready.Believe me I know this is hard but this doesn't have to happen if you don't want it to"I say  "Jess,I want Oliver to be given a proper Investigation but if the police are not going to give him that,your the next best thing" June starts "But please do not get hurt,I lost my son I don't need to lose one of the closest things I have to a daughter" June says I smile just then M came over "Hey don't think I am letting her have all the fun I like mysteries too" M says both June and I laugh.
After I got home I started to think about them
I don't know why.

Maybe it's because you're a LIER and a failure

No one asked for your opinion mind

"God you ungrateful brat, you know there's people out there who don't get to eat,YOU KNOW WHAT GET AWAY FROM THE DINNER TABLE YOU DON'T GET TO EAT EVER A G A I N" My dads voice rang
I was just One when that happened they're the reason I am so under weight. I take out my phone and earbuds to listen to music while I think.


I ignore the voices though I know they're there
I listen to music as I hear a faint noise of the door opening

"Jess" I hear faintly as I take the earbud out and look at the door to see my sister "Hey I thought you had to work late" I say It's not common for her to leave work early "They told me about Oliver and I came to make sure your ok" she says with the same comforting blue eyes she always has "Yeah I was the one to find him dead on the bathroom floor,Also I don't know if they are giving me the bill or not so there's that sorry" I say "I don't care about a stupid bill right now we'll worry about that when it comes" Cassidy says while kissing my head.She knows I'm not okay but is used to me being distant so she doesn't push it on me "Are you going back to work" I say hoping that it was a no.I didn't want to think about anyone but me and my sister together happy. The universe decided that it would be kind to me for once "No,I was hoping you would want to get out of the house on an outing" I Thanked the gods "Sure" I say
We went out for dinner something we don't ever get to do.I was happy for once in my life the restaurant we went to wasn't fast food but wasn't Expensive ether,Truth be told I can't handle the grease of fast food that much so we don't go to fast food although sometimes we both get a craving for it so we get a cheep McDonald's meal.While we were there I saw June and she noticed us and told us to come and sit with her "June I was so sorry to hear about Oliver" Cassidy says "Oh it's so terrible that they are just claiming it as suicide I say quietly "It's quite alright dears"June says she says something else to Cassidy that I don't hear but after Cassidy says "I will" Our food comes I just got a salad I wasn't to hungry to begin with so I didn't get any big.Cassidy got a hamburger but not one of those super greasy ones fast food restaurants have "So June would you like to join us on our outing"Cassidy says I look at June with hopeful eyes I know I said I didn't want to think about anyone else but June is like a mom to ok. "Oh,I wouldn't want to Disturb your day Girls"June says "You wouldn't be Disturbing"Cassidy says "Oh alright I don't know many people like you two who would be willing to go out of their way to help people in their dark times"June says
We finish our food and Cassidy pays for all three of us although both me and June said we would pay for our own.Cassidy Is like the grown up version of baby me (If that made any sense) kind and cares for others more than herself I wish that me was here again.
But soon enough I will have more things to think about and soon find out this days is going to be the only thing that keeps me together as I am already falling apart.

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