Chapter 2: unexpected time

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Jessica's POV
"Why does school have to be such a pain in the as..."I start to say but is quickly interrupted by my sister " language!" "Sorry" we arrive at my school "Bye,Jess I love you" Cassidy says before  Kissing my head "Bye,and are you picking me up or am I walking home"I say "I have to work late at the hospital tonight but I will be back around dinner time" "Alright,Bye love you"I say before getting out of the car and walking towards the school "JESSICA"I hear "Hey Olie"I say "Hey,I'm here too"A girls voice rang "I know,M"I say 
The lunch bell rang and I was so thankful
"M,I am going to the bathroom" I say "Ok
When I get into the bathroom I am met with a terrible sight "Oliver,Oliver this isn't funny"I say.I call 911

911 what's you emergency

I just found my friend in a pile of blood on our High School bathroom floor (I say in a way to calm of a voice)

Is there a pulse ma'am

Let me check (I check his pulse I didn't feel one)

No there's no pulse

Ok ma'am remain calm,we will send out help ok just stay on the phone


Now ma'am what's the name of your High School


Alright ma,am we will send some reinforcements to your location

Thank you (I say in a choked up voice)

Just doing my job.Ma'am we are going to need your name also so we know who to look for

Jessica,Jessica Trever

Not to long after I can hear the sirens,why me.

Mysteria's POV
Jess has been in the bathroom a long time,I was about to go see if she was ok when I see Police Officers.Was Jess ok,Jess never talked about what bothered her instead let others tell her what bothered them. "We are looking for a girl named Jessica Trever"A police man said what did Jess do "I'M IN HERE"Jess said quickly coming out of the bathroom to let them know where she was then going back in.I followed the police inside and stared frozen at what was on the floor.

Jessica's POV
The police came faster than expected but that was a good thing I don't think that I could hold in my tears any longer. "Jess,what happened."M says  "Truth be told I don't know" I say and really I didn't "Ma'am,are you in contact with this boy's parents" "His name is Oliver Thomas,and yes I am in contact with his mom his dad left him when he was young" I say 
After everything with the police ended school was canceled,and Oliver's death is being claimed as suicide
Hope you guys like the second chapter and see if you can find the reference to a movie in here,if you find it leave a comment saying you did so.As always leave me feedback on how I did but for now bye

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