[ 6 ] Let it happen.

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Luke was genuinely worried now.. he didn't know who this guy was and now he was threatening him!! He got up from the flowered ground, kicking a bit of grass in their general direction before scoffing.

"Ryan. I hope to fucking god you have a good explanation for who this is." Luke spoke in an angered tone, his whole body seemed to shake slightly.
Delirious just laughed a bit, he had his mask off so he could look less scary. His brown, fluffy hair was tangled and looked matted. The blue jacket and black shirt were stained with something.. Ryan felt sick thinking about what.

"I'm Jonathan, however I prefer Delirious. I know who you are." He laughed as Ryan just kicked Delirious off before standing up.
"Babe, please y-" Ryan started.
"Yeah, What is he to you?" Luke butted in, swatting Ryan's hand as it slowly reached to rub Luke's shoulder.
"He... he's an aquatints. He used to be my friend a while ago, something happened between him and my.. ex."
Luke sighed softly before he nodded, ok, he could believe that. He would need to ask what happened later..

"Ohmie, why would you leave me so suddenly? You didn't even tell me. Protecting you was my first priority."
"I know, Del. Listen. Leave us alone please." Ryan tried to stay calm as he saw Delirious' face slowly darken as he just backed off.

".... he better never fucking call you that again or I swear to god his face is going into the goddamn ground." Luke growled as he shot a glare to Delirious but it looked like he did it to Ryan..

Delirious saw this and his eyes instantly narrowed, they were now talking harshly. Luke was being rude. His posture, his voice, everything was wrong and rude.. he didn't like this, Ryan was getting hurt. He needed to protect him.

"Luke please." Ryan was in tears now "nothing happened between Del and I.. I promise!"
"Lier." Like scoffed slightly as he just rolls his eyes.
"Alright, Delirious. Leave. NOW." Luke snapped as Ryan looked back to Delirious with tears running down his cheeks.

Delirious looked up with a laugh.
"Don't talk to higher power in that tone of voice." He laughed a bit again before looking in disbelief to both Ryan and Luke.
He couldn't help but feel horrible for Ryan, the man didn't deserve someone like Luke. He deserved better!

"Oh Luke, Toonzy boy. I would sleep with one eye open tonight darling." Delirious laughed a little as he then started off.
"God.. he's fucking annoying, why is he here again!?" Luke growls slightly as Ryan just sighed as he looked back to the other, wiping his eyes and cheeks.

"I don't know.."

The rest of the date was ruined, the two males stayed silent for the most part, hand holding here and there but for the most part nothing. Ryan couldn't help but feel horrible for this, he had to explain to Luke.. soon.. he couldn't keep this fact away from his forever.
Ryan then bit his hand harshly once again, the same one he had bit last time. He kept himself from crying until they got home.

Which.. when they did.. Luke didn't let Ryan cry, he snatched the lad and spun him to face himself.
"... I'm sorry.." he whined softly before pulling Ryan into a tight hug.
"I'm so sorry.. please don't cry, Ohm.. I'm sorry.."

The night.. the rest of tonight would be nearly unforgettable.

Please don't leave me, Toonzy.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ