Epilogue for Blossom

Start from the beginning

They made it work despite being so far and Joshua had come up to visit him whenever he could, the availability happening more often now that Joshua was out of college himself.

The two arrived at Tyler's apartment and despite Joshua being there numerous times, Tyler still led the way.

He had gotten a full ride to Harvard and had received monthly housing grants so with those and his university based job he decided to get his own apartment his second year of schooling.

His mother and now step-father had also given him a used car his senior year of high school but he usually took the bus to class just because it saved him gas and let him get at least a little bit of exercise in.

Tyler stuck his key into the lock and unlocked the door before pushing it open and leading Joshua inside. With a sigh, he set his backpack on the couch and sat down next to it. "I'm sorry I'm not more enthusiastic I just feel like I could sleep for days."

Joshua smiled and moved his bag to the floor so he could sit next to Tyler. The younger laid his head on Joshua's shoulder while Joshua grabbed both of Tyler's hands in his own big ones. "I love you," Tyler sighed out happily.

"I love you too, beautiful," Joshua smiled back. "At least after graduation you have the rest of the summer to rest before going back to school."

Tyler let out a snort. "A great summer all alone with my plants and no one else."

Tyler would never admit this aloud but he had gotten so lonely that he had bought a bunch of plants and named them, the first being Benji. It was good for him though because it gave him a little more responsibility. He could never watch after a pet on his own or father a child ever in his life but he loved his plants.

"Actually," Joshua shifted so Tyler picked his head up and looked at him. "I've been meaning to talk to you."

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "About?"

Joshua looked nervous, he swallowed before speaking. "So you know how I completed all my training at the fire academy?"


"And I was working part time at the station but never doing any actual fire fighting until I got my credits."


"So I have all my credits and I've been doing some googling. A town over from here they posted openings for firefighters and I applied."

Tyler's eyes widened. "Did you...?"

Joshua broke out into a wide smile. "Yeah. I had to do some phone and video call interviews and they consulted my boss and trainer but they said I was qualified and gave me the job."

Tyler found himself smiling as well. "So you're moving here?" He asked excitedly.

Joshua nodded and Tyler practically crawled into his lap as he was kissing him. It was passionate but nothing lustful. It was genuine happiness.

"Wait, I have more," Joshua chuckled into the kiss, pecking his lips and pulling back. "I actually came up earlier because I was looking at apartments," he continued, the nerves coming back.

"Are you moving near here?" Tyler asked once again, so excited that he thought he might metaphorically explode. "If you found a place close to mine then we could see each other often and—"

"I want you to move in with me, Tyler," Joshua spoke, causing Tyler to stop talking. "Your apartment is cute but small and I found a two bedroom close to your school. We could turn to other bedroom into a guest room or an office or whatever but it gives us a little more space. That is, if you want to. We've just been together six years and it's the first time we've been able to do this."

Tyler took all of that in. Joshua wanted to live him with. He wanted to be with him that much that he was willing to move in with him. The thought brought tears to his eyes and he nodded. "I'd love to."

Joshua smiled. "I know those are happy tears but don't cry on me or I'll cry."

Tyler laughed and wiped his eyes. "I'll move in with you on one condition."

"That is?"

"You can't be a slob."

Joshua laughed. "I won't. I'll only clean more than I ever did at my old apartment on one condition," he countered.

Tyler narrowed his eyes. "This isn't a negotiation."

"I want to get a dog."

Tyler grimaced. "A dog?"

"C'mon," Joshua nudged his boyfriend's arm with his own. "You used to love Jim."

"I didn't have to live with him."

Joshua pulled out the puppy dog eyes. "Please, baby?"

Tyler sighed. "Fine but it can't shed and it can't smell."

Joshua peppered kisses all over his face. "You're the best. I love you."

Tyler giggled. "I love you too."

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