Chapter Twenty-Four: Preparations

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After Lucas took off into the sky, kicking sand beneath him and flying off in the direction of the realm of dark Angels, I felt exhausted. Like all the energy had been depleted and Lucas took it with him.

I had just fought my ex-best friend and almost hurt him but thankfully my conscience had kicked in and told me to stop. I couldn't do it so I had let him go despite Jayden's protest.

Jasmine had understood her decision though. She had told me that I had made the right choice in letting Lucas go. That I would have never forgiven myself if I had gone through with it.

And she's right.

I would have felt terrible if I had gone through with stabbing Lucas with that sword. I probably would feel sick to my stomach and self-loathing for doing such a thing. The dark angels might have no conscience but I do. And I won't be like them.

I don't know who I am just yet but I know for absolute sure that I'm nothing like Mekhi or Lucas. And I intend to find out exactly who I am. I'm sure the answer to my question is in Angelus Urbem.

I had told Jayden that there are important things to do than harm Lucas. Revenge is never the answer and I won't let revenge control my life like some other people. Mekhi for example. If I had gone through with killing him, my heart would be forever tainted with it and I wasn't going to carry that burden on my shoulders for anyone.

Also, I had shown Lucas mercy in the hopes that my best friend is still in their somewhere. That our friendship couldn't have all been a lie. Could it? Because if it had, it was a really well thought out lie

Jayden, Jasmine, and I located Cael's boat on one of the piers a good distance from where I fought Lucas. I had assumed when they said we would be taking a boat, it would be a simple motorboat.

But it's not.

It's a huge sailboat like a pirate would sail. The sail's had wing insignias on it which just proved that it's an angel boat.

And it appears to be in very good condition as far as sailing ships go. The problem is that I don't know how to sail a boat and neither do the other two. Which is why we had been planning on having a crew captain to help us sail it. But that's no longer an option.

May Cael rest in peace, I thought to myself.

So that means we will have to learn how to use this ship before we go and asap. We searched around the ship for a bit which has one guest cabin with a bunk bed and a Captain's quarters below deck as well a GPS attached to the wheel.

In the Captain's quarter, we found a map that leads from the Santa Monica beach we were on to a dot that is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. So it's not like we have nothing to use to help us find our way there.

"Alright Jayden," Jasmine says, dropping the book on sailing we had found into his arms," Get started on learning how to sail this thing. You're going to be the designated captain."

He grins enthusiastically," Why thank you, Jazz, I humbly accept this highest of honors." He does a quick salute with his left hand before heading back up to the dock to start researching.

"Between you and me, I just put him in charge because it means less work for you and me," She whispered conspiratorially causing me to chuckle amusedly," Also, Jayden is a fast learner. If anyone can pick up a skill in a few hours, it's him. He has a photogenic memory so he'll be able to remember everything quickly enough."

"Really," I said, curious," I didn't know he could do that."

"Don't tell him I told you though," She said," He's kind of insecure about it. He thinks it makes him a nerd. Kids used to tease him about it growing up but now comments like that just slide off his shoulders."

"His secret is safe with me. Besides, there's nothing wrong with being smart. I mean, what's the point of having nothing floating around in that pretty little head, right?"

She smiled," Exactly. I knew there was a reason I liked you." She winked at me before heading up the stairs to the top deck.

While Jayden hovered over the sailing book and map, Jasmine and I started preparing stuff for the voyage to Angelus Urbem. It's going to be a decent trip so we definitely need supplies so we went and found a store to get supplies from.

We picked a bunch of things that we would need for our trips such as bottled water, zip lock bags to put the money and credit cards as well as electronics, medical supplies in case someone gets hurt, sunblock, Duffle bags, lip balm(Jasmine's idea), insect repellant, shampoo, soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Tweezers and nail clippers, seasickness pills( just in case), earplugs, clothing such as t-shirts, shorts, pants, windbreakers, hats, and sunglasses as well as new shoes.

We also got towels, washcloths, a washbasin, herbs and spices, and cooking and eating implements and utensils. I grabbed a bunch of slim jims, does that count as food necessities?

Finally, we got matches, playing cards, flashlights, and a new notebook for me because the other one got damaged. Also, we had picked Jayden up some navigation tools and charts that we thought would be helpful. So we're pretty much stocked up on supplies for this trip.

We had to take an uber back to the ship because of all the supplies we had bought. And then it took about an or two to get all of the belongings put in our rooms and the ship's cargo holding area.

Since Jayden is captaining the ship, his stuff got put in the Captain's quarters and Jasmine and I took the extra room. Jasmine was pleased that we are going to be bunkmates for the duration of the sail because she's never had sleepovers before.

I was also happy about it because I've had sleepovers with Lucas but never any friends that are girls. So this is a new experience for both of us. And it helps that we get along decent.

Jasmine and I talked in the cabin for a bit as we fixed our room up a bit so that everything was in place and the beds are nicely made when she brought up Lucas.

"Bella, just so you know. It's not your fault that Lucas chose the dark angels' side. He's a monster for lying to you and he was already corrupted before you met him so it's not your fault." She spoke softly, reassuringly," And no matter what Lucas does, Jayden and I will face it with you. Okay?"

"Yeah," I said, eyes tearing up at the admission," Thanks, Jazz. You're a good friend."

At that moment, Jayden's voice comes over the intercom that connects to all the rooms and stuff on the ship causing both of us to jump.

"Hey, everybody. This is your captain speaking. If you could please make your way up to the top deck, that would be great, Thank you." He said in a mocking captain's voice," This is Captain Jayden signing off."

When the intercom went quiet, Jasmine shook her head, rolling her eyes at how silly her brother is being. We walked up to the stairs and made our way to the top deck of the ship.

Hopefully, he has some good news for us.

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