Chapter Sixteen: So Much For The Safe House

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It's been about two days since I broke into the dusty study and found the journal of a young Mekhi Demos, the ruler of the dark angels. During this time, my friends and I have been taking time to train a lot. Lucas is adamant about making sure that I am well prepared for anything we might face when we head for Los Angeles again.

And when weren't not training or eating meals, we've been playing board games that we found in one of the closets. We played Monopoly, poker, scrabble and Apples to Apples. Lucas and I are the only ones that play chess though. We use to play chess all the time but eventually, we found video games and outdoor activities more entertaining.

It's nice just to relax with friends especially after the week that we've had. All the monster attacks and near-death experiences really take a toll on a person. And finding out your lifelong pal since kindergarten has been keeping secrets from you, that also tends to take its toll.

We just really needed to take a breather after all that chaos. It didn't make me feel better knowing that we aren't done yet. There's probably more chaos to come.

Jayden and Jasmine have mentioned to Lucas and I that we need to head out soon but Lucas is equally stubborn about not going yet. He keeps telling Jayden that I need more time to train before we leave the headquarters and I agreed with him.

There's more that I need to learn. These three have had years of training to be as great at fighting as they are and I just found out about my heritage about a week ago. So, I definitely need more practice.

On our fourth night here, my friends and I are sitting around the table in the living room, playing a friendly game of scrabble. Jayden and Jasmine have a tendency to bicker when we play games so I usually have to break them up and be their go-to ref.

Lucas takes his turn and lands on Jasmine's property.

"Pennsylvania Avenue with two houses," She cheers, grinning, holding out her hand, palm up," Cough it up, Lukie."

He grimaces, handing over $400 of his fake Monopoly cash.

"This game is so rigged." He grumbles, annoyed.

"Oh, don't be a poor sport, Lukie." I mocked, pinching his cheek.

He gently swatted my hand away, smiling slightly.

"Hey! What did I say about calling me that horrible Nickname?" He complained," Either call me Luke or Lucas, nothing else."

"Ah, fine," Jasmine said in false disappointment," Way to take away our fun."

I chuckled fondly. It was nice being around friends, playing a board game. It was like having my old life mixed with my new life and it was nice.

"Alright, my turn," Jayden spoke up as he rolled the dice, earning himself a snake eyes.

"Oh, go directly to jail, Jayden." She smirked over at her brother, smug.

"Okay, I'm with Lucas on this one." He complained," This game is rigged. How are we losing?"

"Bella and I are just experts at this game." She said, high fiving me.

After a few minutes of continuing the game, Jayden brings up the subject I would rather he didn't.

"So, when should we head out?" He said," I think we should go tomorrow in my opinion."

"Yeah, well, it's not just your decision." I told him," It's everybody's."

"I know that, Bella. I'm just giving you guys my thoughts on the subject."Jayden explained.

"I still think we should wait. Give Bella more time to prepare for what's out there. A little more time spent training would do her some good." Lucas pointed out.

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