Chapter Ten: Dark Angel's Ride Planes?

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We quickly went into the airport which was completely packed with people. There were families with children hurriedly rushing off to make their flights, babies crying in strollers, and elderly grandparents chattering amongst themselves as they await there flight number to be called. The noise level in that building was insane. I had to fight the urge to cover my ears. I've never been to an airport before but I've seen it in movies. The films were right. Airports are nothing but chaos.

Jayden and Jasmine slipped through the crowds like water through a person's fingers. They didn't get jostled or pushed around by any of the people nearby. They moved without difficulty whereas I was having trouble keeping up. If it wasn't for Jasmine's help, I probably would have gotten lost in a sea of bodies.

Jayden and Jasmine made quick work of purchasing the plane tickets. Turns out, Jayden had kept his wallet in his pocket instead of putting it with the bags so he was able to use a credit card to pay for three First Class tickets on the next flight to Los Angeles. Yeah, I said first class. I had never been on an airplane much less First Class so I was kind of excited. I heard they give people hot rags and nice food in First Class.

Anyway, we promptly got on the plane as soon as they called for our flight. The chairs were really comfortable that leaned back so that people could sleep during the flight and there was a lot of legroom. The TVs were hung up so that First Class passengers could watch cable or movies while enjoying a delicious in-flight meal. The seats had butt warmers and a massage setting that made the ride extremely relaxing.

Jasmine immediately put an order in for food for all of us. I couldn't blame her, I was hungry too. My stomach was making gurgling noises as if any moment it would turn inside out and try to eat itself. It took fifteen minutes for the cooks to prepare the food and bring it to us. A table slides out in front of the seats so that we didn't have to put the food on our laps.

Jasmine had ordered two cheeseburgers for each of us, a large order of fries, fresh strawberries and grapes, cooked carrots and green beans, baked bread with butter, and delicious chocolate milkshakes. It was enough food to fill almost the entire table. We quickly dug into the meal, the only sound being the clatter of forks and knives. It took us an hour to eat all the food and when I was finished, my stomach felt extra full. That food was delicious.

"My compliments to the chef," Jayden spoke up, letting out a loud belch to emphasize his words, rubbing his belly happily. His sister slapped his arm, scolding him for his terrible manners. I chuckled quietly to myself.

After the nice meal, we all decided to crash for a few hours since the flight was going to be almost 5 hours long. And we were pretty tired from traveling so much. Jayden didn't take long to fall asleep. After closing his eyes, he was out like a light and snoring contentedly from his window seat. Jasmine quickly followed suit. I didn't understand how people could fall asleep so quickly. It usually took me at least 20 minutes to get to sleep.

But when I did, I started to dream.

This time, the dream started differently. Everything was dark, but I knew that I was dreaming. I could sense it all around me. The darkness was oppressive, bearing down on me and surrounding me. I felt engulfed by it. It was silent too, well, at first anyway. After what felt like forever surrounded by nothing, a voice interrupted the quiet. It was Mekhi. I'd recognize that voice and how it crept under my skin and down my back anywhere now. I couldn't help but shiver uncontrollably, and I was sure that my body must be doing the same, even as I slept.

"It would seem that you are learning, Isabella," the voice spoke, making me tremble even more. This time, I was determined not to let him get to me so much, or at least to not let him see.

"Course I am," I said, trying to sound snarky and confident, but I was sure I failed. "I'm a fast learner. Unlike you."

Mekhi laughed in my dream. His laugh was almost beautiful at first, but then it turned dark. It echoed through my skull. It almost felt as though his laugh was shaking the sides of my skull, sending stabbing shots of pain.

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