Chapter 46

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Chapter 46: Aftermath

"Ms. Dovermal." I called, grabbing my teacher's attention as I walked up to her desk.

"Yes, Sebastian?" The low drawl and slow raise of her left brow was a signature Dovermal reaction, so I felt no insult hearing it. I stepped in front of her and put on my best smile.

"I decided to go into a career of magic." I told her simply, my best smile not stretching very far in my current mood. "I am going to make magical studies my major next year."

Ms. Dovermal, to my surprise, lit up. A smile came onto her face and she stood up, patting my shoulder happily.

"Oh, that is such good news!" She grinned excitedly, eyes wide and searching my face as she spoke. "It would have been such a loss to the magic community if we lost such a talented man like you."

"Thank you Ms. Dovermal."

"There really is so much that you can do. Such a variety of careers! There is . . . "

Ms. Dovermal went on to rant about all of the things I could do now that I had changed my mind and how great of an adult life I could have. I decided not to check the time no matter how long she went on and allowed her to speak.

In the past couple of days, I hadn't had a lot of mental energy, and that included caring about whether I would be late for my next class. It took me only a few hours after it started for me to realize that it was because of Dean. I missed him, my soul missed him, and both of us were tired of being away from him.

But unlike any of the times before, this wasn't a simple forgive and forget. This was a life-changing move that he was making, and I still wasn't sure how to feel. Ms. Dovermal eventually let me go, and I went on my way to my next period. The hours went by in a slow and sluggish speed. It was hard to know if that was me or my soul. Either way, when it was time for me to eat lunch with my friends, I already wanted to be in my room fast asleep.

And that alone made me stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone around me was happy. Not just a normal "feeling pretty good right now", but glowing with happiness. For starters, Harvey and Sam had recently mated. They hadn't told any of us about their plans, but the next thing we knew they apparently had sex and Sam was sporting a bite mark on her shoulder.

Thulani and Dipi had gone on their date, announcing shortly after that they were dating. And a group that Warlo and Nick both stunned had just come out with a comeback that had "a super sexy concept" that the boys were living for. All of those around me were in high spirits, and I was the guy who had been sulking for four days straight.

"Seriously Seb, you have been in such a poor mood for so many days straight and haven't told us why." Sam complained, pouting as Harvey rubbed a comforting hand over her bare shoulder. "Maybe we can help you out, but you have to tell us first."

I scowled, shaking my head so a few hairs could fall over my face.

"No offence guys, but I really don't want a panel of all of you weighing your opinions in on this issue. I just want to be able to mope and think on my own." I explained to her and everyone else at the table. Seeing how none of them seemed to happy about my decision, I added something else on at the end. "If none of you guys can handle that, I can find somewhere else to eat lunch today."

The conversation quickly moved on from me to other topics, and I listened silently as my friends conversed. I had to get myself ready. I would be seeing Dean in my next class.


"Kaitlyn and Joseph." He called out, sitting as he waited for the pair to come down with their project in hand. It had started. Pair by pair, Dean was calling down his students to turn in their vampire projects. I had no fear about the assignment per se, Sam and I worked our butts off and I had confidence in what we produced, I was nervous about going down to give it to him. Based off of the tradition that Kaitlyn and Joe just solidified --thanks guys-- both of us would have to go down there to turn it in.

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