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Me and Ruby were near a cliff it had a tombstone on top It said Summer rose in it's writhing was confused but I was told to bring some flowers but made made me realize it was when Ruby took off her hood and spook.

Ruby: Hi Mom.

I froze In Place once I heard Her say that word she never told me about her mother yet and I can see that she was unhappy.

Ruby: I haven't got kicked out of beacon yet so that's cool I still wonder why Ozpin let me in early but the more talks the more he sound like uncle Qrow, I don't know how to tell you this but i kinda got me a boyfriend and he is really cool he dose have a lot of trouble with his past but I think that I have changed him for the better he is really great he helps me when I need him he protects me when I'm hurt and always finds a way to make me smile I brought him with me so you can see what he is like.

I walked over to her mothers grave and gave her the flowers (they were roses) I placed them on the  on top of her grave and walked back to Ruby and held her hand.

RED:  I never met you but I would have like to I know that you watched over Ruby but I'm here to tell you that I'm here for her and I always will be I would have loved to meet you and I know that I will eventually meet your husband but I will do what ever it takes to protect Ruby and keep her happy.

Ruby:(Crying) I love you too.

She wiped away her tears and and we saw her dad I got really nervous She kissed me on the cheek and put her hood back on.

Ruby/RED: It was nice talking to you.

Taiyang: So he's your boyfriend?

Ruby: Uhm y.yeah.

Taiyang: So your general Ironwoods kid.

RED: Yep.

Taiyang: Well let's go(whispers to red) If anything happens to her your dead.

RED: If they want to hurt her they are going to have go through my cold dead body.

Taiyang: If I punched you what would you do?

RED: I would take it I will do anything for her to keep her safe and happy.

Taiyang: I had I feeling I was going to like you.

RED: Thank you and I would have loved to meet your wife.

Taiyang: Thank you I mean that.

RED: I do it with my brother he passed away before I met him and when I first met Ruby I never told her yet.

Taiyang: I think that your brother is proud of you.

RED: Thank you.

He walked us back the school and MY team watched as team RWBY was going ageist team ABRN  and all I have to say was that they were on fire that match and I don't mean Yang but in the end it was funny we met up with the girls at the fair grounds.

Ruby: Is anybody else starving.

Blake: I may have worked up an apatite.(her stomach growls)

Weiss: If only there was a place to get food around here.

RED: I know right.

Ruby ran straight for my arms and jumped into me .

Ruby: Did you our match?

RED: Of course I did I wouldn't miss for the world.(kisses her)

Yang: She told us that you meet our dad is that true.

RED: Yep.

RED: How about we talk it over lunch?

RWBY: Sure.

As we started to head to the the shack that Yang told us about but then we bumped into Emerald and Mercury she gave Ruby her wallet back and then I found out that she sending in yang and Weiss into the doubles round as we and then we left to go eat and I still had an odd felling about those two we were at this little shack that Yang goes to I looked at Electro and he was glued to Blake as well as his arm.

Yang: The usual please.(slides bowl)

Ruby: I'll take the same.(slides bowl)

RED: the same.(slides bowl)    

Weiss: Do you have anything with a low salt.(Slides bowl)

Piper/Elira: We'll share.(slides bowl)


Electro: Help me.

Gives a big bowl of fish and a bowl of noodles to Electro"Electro: Is her eyes suppose to be stars."

Weiss the gave the man her credit card and he took it and swiped it in the machine.

Yang: Aw Weiss whats the accession?

Weiss: Consider it as a thanks for sending me to the doubles round

But then he shot back her card and it said that it was declined.

RED: Let me try mine( takes out wallet) after all yo'll did deserve it.

Pyrrha: I think so too.

Ruby: PYRRHA!!

RED: I don't mind paying for you guys too come on join us.


We all ate and we talked about how the tournament was better then having to fight Roman or his goons and then Ruby was already exited to already graduate from beacon and Jaune was upset because Nora burped and was because he still could barely fight and then Nora was turning depressing if her the team fails the tournament.

port:(Intercom) Would team JNPR Pleas report to the battle grounds.

Oobleck:(Intercom) Like they were scheduled to several moments ago.

We all made our way back the Colosseum to watch team JNPR fight me and Ruby sat next to each other and we watched over the fight and they had a good advantage over them for having a sharp shooter but then Ren was fast and then I saw that Nora was struck by lighting and thanks to Doctor Oobleck that actually her semblance and me and Electro were shocked because he has some to rival his lighting power and we continued to enjoy the fight but the Jaune just stoped in the middle of the fight and we could hear them I was laughing the whole time then he order Nora to hit them with her hammer.

Nora: Got it

She hit them with her hammer and then I saw them all hit the wall and that was painful but never the less that was a win in my book and we all exited the coliseum and we saw a ship heading for the landing pad and I saw that Ruby was following Weiss so I went with her what I didn't expect was.

Weiss: Winter.

Ruby: What?

Weiss: My Sister. 

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