Part 13: BREACH

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We all woke up in the middle of the city of Vale and we all had debris all over us I had some rebar stuck in me chest Electro Quickly ran over to help me up and I saw piper was being helped up by her sister.

Electro: Dude are you alright?

RED: I've felt better.

He pulled the rebar out of me from my chest I saw that team RWBY was scattered all over the place I saw ruby on the floor and ran over to help her up and then I saw grim were flooding the streets of the city I quickly help ruby regain her consigns our teams quickly got ready for our biggest fight ever they were coming from every where I ordered Piper and Elira to the roof of the nearest building to use as a sniping point I then told Electro to use his lightning and create pulse and push the grime back I then ordered Piper to use a gas arrow in the middle of a big group of grime and shot it and blow up a bunch of grim but one of there flying corpse came flying pass me I decided to sidestep and allow the falling grime pass me.

RED: Sorry, Not sorry.

More grime stated to come out of the whole and soon we found or self's surrounded and I decided to play my best fighting song  and then I jumped in the middle of the group.

I had lined up two head shots with two Ursai and I shot both of their heads off.

RED: Jackpot!

Electro then jumped in the middle and created two electric spears and throw them into the heads of four Beowolves and then I decide to even the playing field I combined my tonfas into its spear mode and with my added dust filled flame bullets and then mad my blade into a fire spear I was setting things on fire and I even caught my coat a little and the me and Electro were blocking off all the grim from coming into the city but then we didn't notice that a king Taijitu wa behind us and then both Piper and Elira saved both of us by blowing its heads off We all then saw team RWBY was destroying the grim and the finally we saw that Team JNPR jumped into the fight to help us Ren was shooting some killing Beowolves I just wish that Jaunes' first kill wasn't A Ursai and I was thinking that Jaune was going to get killed so I cooked a grenade in my hand just in case I needed to help him but I saw him cut the beast several times and very fast  adn he killed the beast to I yelled to Yang and she tossed it at group near a car and blow them all up,I then saw that team CVFY and their leader looked at a beowolves dead in the eye and she looked pissed and she destroyed that grime with her purse that can turn into a minigun that poor thing was destroyed over a freaking clothing store. 

RED: I so pity the dude who pressures her on her prom sex.

Finally more teams started to arrive and my mother and My fathers robots and they were helping us out with the rest of the clean up and then my mother walked over to us.

Glynda: Nice job Boys but I can clean this up.

RED: Your the best I tossed Electro My spear and he tossed me his axe we saw two more Beowolves and me and Electro helped out Ruby and Blake kill the last two I tossed the axe at the beowovles legs and then Ruby jumped over and cut the head off the beowovle and then Blake throw her Rope around the its neck and then Electro throw my spear into its chest and when it was all over Zwie came running over to Ruby and was a happy dog my mother patched up the hole in the ground and the Electro picked up my spear.

Electro: Oh no you get the little one.(tosses spear)

I caught my spear and gave Electro back his axe, after we cleaned up the rest of the city I saw that Emerald and mercury caring away Roman onto one of my dads ships I walked over to them.

RED: Hey can I do some thing Real quick to him?

Mercury:(looks at Roman) Sure.

RED: Thank You, This is from Ruby and My little Contribution to birth control.

Roman: What?

I did the Splits and With Brass knuckles I Gave him the "Nutcracker" and man after that It sounded like he was in the opera.

RED: How do the feel good,I don't see no blood so I thick he is alive.

I walked back to the Group and Ruby was laughing but before I could ask her Why I decided to do A joke on Electro.

RED: Fatality.

I tried to punch him in his crotch but I all I herd was the cracking sound of my knuckles.


Electro: This isn't my first rodeo.

after that little experiment gone wrong we all made our way back to beacon and we were on the edge of the cliff over looking the city and we were all next to our loved ones sorta I was laying my head in Ruby's lap,Piper was leaning ageist Yang's shoulder and, Blake was leaning on Electro's shoulder.

RED: Well we did it .

Ruby: Did what?

RED: Well we stopped a crime syndicate,locked up Roman on my fathers' ship and we all found our Relationships.

Ruby/Electro: Sorta?

RED: What do you mean by that?

Ruby: I have yet to meet your mother yet and you need to patch things up with your dad.

RED: 1#: My mother Is Glynda Goodwitch and 2#: Never going to happen.

Ruby: Please for me I will go with you .

RED:(sighs) Fine I will try to patch things up with my old man.

Ruby: and the second thing.

Ruby/Yang: Your mother is Glynda Goodwithwitch.

RED: Yep.

Blake: That must have been hard.

RED/Electro: You have no Idea.

RED: Well I don't know about yo'll but I'm going to bed.

Elector: I'm down.

Yang: Yep I'm into.

RED: Yo hears an Idea.

Everybody: What?

RED: Let's bunk with with team RWBY!

Ruby: YES!

Yang: YES!

Piper: Sure

Blake: Sure

Electro: NO!

Weiss: NO!

RED: The aye's have it but If I hear crazy stuff from Piper and Yang I'm shooting the both of you.

Ruby: No killing family.

RED: Fine.


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