A new begining

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It was over, he threw everything he had, used up every bit of straight even with the condition he was in. Godzilla took a breath, he could feel the radiation coursing though him slowly killing him. He had finally killed the monster know as Destroyah. Godzilla had faced many monsters before, most powerful being King Ghidorah but this creature was worse nearly killed Godzilla. At this point he was to weak to do anything then it happen, the radiation took it's tole. Godzilla accepted his fate. With that his skin began melting til he was nothing but bone. He looked at Tokyo and his son and thought to himself "Good luck". With that he was gone.

Or so he thought.

Godzilla soon felt something odd. He felt like he was laying down on something, something hard. He couldn't believe it, the radiation meltdown should have killed him. He tried to get up but noticed something. He felt lighter. No spikes, no tail, no nothing. He looked at his hand and what he saw shook him. It was human. He looked at his legs and chest, they to were human. He was a human. He couldn't believe this. He tried getting up but his legs were wobbly. He successfully managed to get up. He looked at a window and in its reflection he saw he had H/C hair, S/C skin, about Y/H tall and looked like a 13 year old boy. This was a lot to process but he kept looking around and noticed he was still in Tokyo but something wasn't right. He felt like somehow this wasn't his Tokyo. But he wanted to know one thing "Why and how am I human and here"?

So ya Godzilla is here.

What do you think will happen?

In the next chapter Godzilla will put his human form to the test and discover his power.

One to rule all(My hero academia x Male Godzilla reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora