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Jungkook's POV

I jumoed into the pool as taehyung got out.
He walked over to Minhee.

He closed his eyes as he held his stomach.
Minhee seems concerned.

"You okay Taetae?" She asks putting her hand on his back.

"No... My stomach hurts..."

"You shouldnt have got into the pool right after you ate."

He groans in pain.

I just stand in the water watching them.

"Come sit down." She brings him to her chair and sits him down.

She hands him a water.

"You should rest, here you can play minecraft on my phone."

"Omooo! Thanks Minhee." He says smiling.

To be honest. She is way too nice to my hyungs.
What if she falls for one of them...

Minhee's POV

"Lets play Marco Polo!" Jungkook shouts

"1 2 3 NOT IT!" I shout

"Not it" molly, jungkook, and namjoon say

"Not it!" Yoongie, jin, and Hoseok say.

That leaves jimin...

Hope he gets Molly.


We tried holding in our laugh as jimin was trying to find us.

"MARCO!" Jimin shouts

"Polo" we whisper

He got Jin out.

Then Hoseok, Molly, namjoon, and yoongi.

Which leaves me and Jungkook.

I went around the look and went behind jungkook. He was big enough to cover my whole body.


"Polo..." We whisper

"Get away!" Jungkook whispers

"Uh-uh!" I shook my head.

He sighs and turns around to look at me.

His torso was giving me a hard time to keep eye contact.

He chuckles.

He quickly grabs my waist and puts me in front of him.

"J-Jungkook!" I loudly whisper.

He kept his hands on my waist to prevent me from moving away.

Jimin feels around.

"Jungkook please!" I whisper

He laughs.

Jimin gets closer and i shut my eyes tightly and clench my fists.

He touches my shoulder.

"Damn it you! Jungkook!" I said

He laughs at me.

"Okay." He says
He picks me up by my waist and gets me out of the water.
I yelp in surprise.
Its like he did that with no effort...

"Ououououo!" Everyone says

I scoff at them.

I go up to taehyung.

"You feel better?" I ask him

He was consentrated on my phone and ignores me.

"Taehyung-ssi you okay now?"

"Oh. Yes! Thank you min!"

We decided to leave now.
I dropped off jungkook at home.

"Bye bye Kookie!" I shout from my car as he walks into his house

He laughs and looks down. Waving.

I went back to my house.

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