Chapter 2

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I sat at my window and sighed putting my head down on the window seal.

"Look at me" I sang walking out my room

"I will never pass for a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter" i looked at my parents as they talked.

"Can it be I'm not meant to play this part" I walked outside letting the cricket go as I went to the river by my clan house

"Now I see if I were truly to be myself" I jumped across the rocks

"I would break my families heart" I looked in the water

"Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me" I looked away and looked down

"Why is my reflection someone I don't know" I walked to the temple and went in

"Somehow I cannot hide who I am though i tried" i kneels and put my head down before the shrines to our ancestors

"When will my reflection show who I am inside" I wiped off my make up and looked at my reflection in the shrine

"When will my reflection show who i am inside" I took my hair down and walked out

I went to the cherry blossom tree and sat on the bench under it and sighed playing with my curls. Dad came and I looked away continuing to play witb my curls.

"My my look at the cherry blossoms they look amazing" he said

I looked at him a little.

"But look this one's late" he said pointing at a bud "but I bet when it blooms it'll be the most beautiful" he put my flower comb in my hair and I smiled

He smiled back and then stopped and looked up.

"Papa? What's wrong?" I said standing

We walked to the front and peeked out.

"Dajianae stay inside" mom said

I looked down. Grandma points to some crates and i nodded. I ran over and climbed up watching from above the wall.

"Citizen I come with new from the hokage we are being invaded by The Huns being lead by The demon Faita(Faita: I AM A FALLEN ANGEL) we need one man from every clan to help fight!" This guys said

He opened a scroll while I'm looking forward

"The hyuga clan"

"The uzumaki clan"

"...the Inuzuka clan"

"No" I said and got down and ran out.

Just as he was about to get his scroll, I ran over.

"Papa no please" I said and got in front of him "please sir my dad he already fought for this lan-" I was cut off by the guy who spoke first

"Silence you should teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man's presence" he said

I glared but then stopped when dad grabbed my arm

"Get back in the house!" He yelled

I felt tears form as I run in pushing past mom and grandma. I ran up to my room and cried at my window. Kusari come over and laid by me and I laid my head on him.

Mom came and got me for dinner that night. It was raining. I walked to the dining room and sat down and poured everyone tea as they ate. I held my cup as it started to bubble as my hands were hot from my fire. I slammed it down and stood up

"It's not fair Papa!" I yelled

"Dajianae" mom said

"There are plenty of men to fight for the nations!" I continued

"It is an honor to protect my nation and my family" dad said

"So you'll die for Honor?" I said in disbelief

"I will die doing what's right" this time he stood

"But it-"

"I know my place! It is time you learn yours" he glared

"How do I learn a place that I will never have father!?" I yelled then turn and ran out

Kasai POV

I looked at my husband in disappointment.

"What the hell did you tell her that for" I said

He just sat down and went to eat, but I took his food and sat it on the opposite end of the table.

"Dajianae failed to impress the matchmaker so she doesn't know her place is here" I said

Basically we argued until I had enough and went to bed. He turned off the light and we went to sleep.

Dajianae pov

I sat at the river looking at myself then looked up seeing my parents in their room arguing. Then mom went to bed and dad turned off the light. I started to think. That's when i had a plan.

I am going to take my dad's place in the army.

With that thought in mind, I walked to the temple and prayed for strength and luck. I ran out and went inside. I grabbed dad's scroll and replaced it with my flower comb. I smiled and ran out and grabbed my dad's jonin uniform. I put it on and tied my hair up as usual. My chest was still poking out. I took some bandages and wrapped it up straightening my chest area to make me look flat.

Kusari came up to me and we went out and i got on his back. He started running as I held onto him. I looked back and sighed. I knew what I was doing was wrong to them but to me this was right. Protecting my loved ones is what i believe I should do.

3rd POV

Suddenly kiba's mother woke up. She went to Dajianae room and found her gone. She ran to kasai and kiba room

"Dajianae is gone!" She yelled

Both parents woke up and kiba looked to see the flower comb. He grabbed it.

"It can't be" he said

He checked for his jonin uniform and sure enough it was gone. He started to walk out with his limp.

"Dajianae!" He yelled

He fell down and dropped the comb.

"You must go after her she could be killed" kasai said

"I can't if i reveal her she'll die" he said

Kasai covered her mouth and hugged her husband. Kiba's mom sighed

"Ancestors hear our prayers watch over dajianae" she said softly

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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