Chapter 1

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Dajianae POV

I was up in my room writing down my stuff for the matchmaker. I saw the time and quickly got up.

"Little brother!" I yelled for my puppy

I ran to another room

"Little brother" I yelled again "Li- ohhh there you are" I said getting the little puppy up

I tied a rod to him with a bone of the end and tied a bag of food to him for the chickens. He ran outside and did his thing as I prepared tea for my dad. He is sick so I wanna make sure he is back to healthy state quickly.

I got to the shrine where he was worshipping our Ancestors. He can out and ran into me and the cup broke. I took out another one

"Dajianae" he said

"I brought a spare the doctor said three cups of tea in the morning and three at night" i said

"Dajianae you should be in town it's your duty to-"

"Upholding the family honor I promise you Papa I won't let you down"

I ran off fast and got on my dog, Kusari. He started running to town as my curly hair was flying in the wind. I got there seeing a reck and Kusari jumped over it. I got off and smiled

"I'm here mama!" I said

Mom looked at me.

"What? But mama i-" i said

"None of your excuses let's get you cleaned up" she said bringing me inside

This is what you give me to work with
Well, honey, I've seen worse
We're going to turn this sow's ear
Into a silk purse

They threw me in a tub and it was freezing.

"This is cold!" I yelled as they washed me

We'll have you washed and dried
Primped and polished
Till you glow with pride
Trust me recipe for instant bride
You'll bring honor to us all

Wait and see
When we're through
Boys will gladly go to war for you
With good fortune
And a great hairdo
You'll bring honor to us all

A girl can bring her family
Great honor in one way
By striking a good match
And this could be the day

Men want girls with good taste
Who work fast-paced
With good breeding
And a tiny waist
You'll bring honor to us all

They out a white and red kimono on me and tied it on my waist tightly. Yea I breathing a thing?

We all must serve our Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns
A man by bearing arms
A girl by bearing sons

When we're through
You can't fail
Like a lotus blossom
Soft and pale
How could any fellow
Say "no sale"
You'll bring honor to us all

I put a strand of my hair on my forehead as my mom out a flower comb in my hair

There, you're ready
Not yet
An apple for serenity
A pendant for balance
Beads of jade for beauty
You must proudly show it
Now add a cricket just for luck
And even you can't blow it

Hear my plea
Help me not to make a
Fool of me
And to not uproot
My family tree
Keep my father standing tall

Scarier than the undertaker
We are meeting our matchmaker
Guard our girls
And our future
As it fast unfurls
Please look kindly on
These cultured pearls
Each a perfect porcelain doll

Please bring honor to us
(Please bring honor to us)
Please bring honor to us
(Please bring honor to us)
Please bring honor to us all

We all opened our fans in front of our faces. The matchmaker came out

"Inuzuka Dajianae" the match maker said

"Present" I said

"Speaking without permission"

"But you...oh boy" I said following her inside

She looked me up and down

"Too skinny but the bust area is nice and big" she said

I remained silent as the cricket came out and I tried to grab it while she wasn't looking. She turned so i quickly put it in my mouth. She told me to recite my duties. I opened my fan nodding then spit of the cricket.

"As a bride I shall remain by my husband quiet and obedient I shall not dishonor him and I will remain loyal" I said looking at my sleeve "I shall follow whatever he says as he is above me in everywait? Everyway bringing glory to my family name" I said quickly and sighed

She grabbed my arm and looked at my fan and i smiled as he handed it back and walked to the table and she set down the tea kettle. I grabbed it as she talked making a goatee from the ink. I looked down and poured the tea in the cup and saw the cricket in it. She grabbed the cup.

"P-pardon me ma'am" I said quietly

"Silence" she yelled

I tried to grab the cup and take it but she wouldn't let go. Then she fell and spilled it on her. Thw cricket bounced around in her clothes by the way she was moving. She fell and landed on hot coal. I grabbed my fan and attempted to put out the smoke but it only made it burst into flames. She ran outside and I grabbed the tea kettle.

"Put it out put it out!" She yelled

I threw the tea on her and the fire stopped. I gave her the kettle back anf I left quickly covering my face.

"You! You may look like a bride but you will never bring your clan honor!" She yelled at me

I looked down feeling tears form. We left and i remained silent as i sat on kusari back as he slowly walked back to the clan house

"Dajianae-" mom said

"I'm fine...I knew I was a dishonor to the clan with house I act anyway...not like it's new" I said not looking up

We got to the house and I went inside with kusari behind me. Dad smiled at me but I looked away and kept walking to my room I went in and fed kusari and gave him water

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