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Leigh say in cubicles as she tried to clear up britts cuts and bruises from her attack. Leigh felt her heart break as she looked to Britt "do you want me to call Iain?" Leigh asked as Britt looked to her and shock her head. "No, you can't. You can't tell him what happened" Britt squeaked as Leigh looked to her and frowned "what, you have to tell him babes. You were attacked, some vile monster raped you. Iain needs to know what happened to you, it's not fair" Leigh said as Britt looked to her "don't please. I don't want him to know, I don't want him to look at me the way that you are. It kills me and I can't. He can't know and you have to promise me that you won't tell him. Your my best friend and he will loose it, he will kill the person who did this and I will loose him and I can't" Britt sob.

Leigh looked to her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close "I won't, not yet. I'm here for you okay, you need to go to the police I won't tell him" Leigh said as Britt looked to her and nodded "I won't, I will process your things and I'll call them. I won't let anyone know your here, not yet" Leigh said as Britt looked to her and smiled. She watched as Leigh walked off as she grabbed her phone. She wiped the tears from her eyes and sighed as she saw a text off of Iain. She sent a reply and sighed as she started to sob. Britt felt as if she sat there for hours as two police officers walked in "I'd like to report a rape, my rape" Britt said as she felt the tears roll down her face


Britt sat in the staffroom and sighed as she looked to a leaflet that she had been given. She smiled as Iain walked in and hid the leaflet "hey, are you okay. I heard something happened. Leigh didn't say what" he said as Britt looked to him and smiled "I'm okay, I got into a fight with a cow that's all" she said as Iain smiled. He looked to her and frowned. He could tell that there was something that Britt was hiding something "come on, I'll take you home. Lillie wants to see her mummy" he said as she looked to him and smiled. Iain wrapped an arm around her as she felt the tears in her eyes. She just wanted to break down in his arms but knew his anger and how he would react. She couldn't tell him, not yet


Leigh sat in the staffroom as Sam walked in and looked to her "are you okay" he asked as she sighed "I can't tell you, it's not my secret" she said as Sam frowned. He sat next to her and wrapped an arm around her and smiled "you can tell me anything I won't say a word" he said "it's Britt, she didn't have a fall. She was attacked, raped and I can't tell anyone" she said as he wrapped an arm around her. But how long would it be before Iain learnt the truth

In love with my best friend (Casualty)Where stories live. Discover now