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Oikawa sullenly walked along the sidewalk as he made his way back to Iwaizumi's mansion. He felt as if everything was surreal; he didn't want to acknowledge his cursed imminent fate.

"Why didn't I acknowledge from the start that this was a stupid idea?" Oikawa murmured, his eyes downcast. "Now wonder Kuroo and Akaashi tried frantically to persuade me not to break The Pledge."

"I thought I couldn't wait. But I made a stupid, quick decision. Even though Iwaizumi had seen me with my wings out when I saved him the other night...I could've at least lied to protect him and myself."

The brown-haired angel bit his lip, immensely regretting how rash and selfish his decision had been.

"I have to find a solution to this." Oikawa said out loud, somewhat bitterly, "It's the least I can do for putting Iwaizumi through this. I never should've dragged him down with me."

For the first time in his life, Oikawa realized the weight and burden he carried as an angel rather than a human.

"I should end things now, before I start to hurt him even more."

Iwaizumi stared at the entrance with crossed arms, his brow furrowed. When the brown-haired angel finally appeared in the foyer, Iwaizumi made his way briskly over to the latter.

"What the hell, Oikawa. You disappeared without telling me," Iwaizumi snapped, "I was worried sick."

Oikawa felt a pang in his heart, a sharp pain to his chest as he tried to convince himself that what he was about to do was the right thing.

The brown-haired angel took a deep breath.

"Iwaizumi. I'm leaving."

"What?" The spiky-haired man replied almost instantaneously, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm leaving, permanently. I don't think I should stay here." Oikawa said, letting a cold edge slip into his tone.

He clenched his fists, trying to pull himself together so that his frosty façade wouldn't slip.

"Do you not feel comfortable staying here?" Iwaizumi said, his voice shaking slightly. "I can book you a hotel-"

"That's not it, Iwaizumi," Oikawa interrupted obstinately. "I don't want to see you again."

There was a long silence, and Iwaizumi gazed at Oikawa with unreadable emotion in his steel orbs.

Eventually, Iwaizumi cleared his throat.

"Can you at least give me a reason as to why you're deciding to leave?"

"I can't." Oikawa thought before he could stop himself, "You're better off without me here."

"Are you forgetting that I can read your thoughts?" Iwaizumi growled, all the sadness in his eyes fading without so much of a blink.

Oikawa didn't reply, trying to keep his composure as much as he could.

"I'm leaving, Iwaizumi. This is pathetic." Oikawa repeated, his voice starting to tremble.

"You're lying." Iwaizumi said, his tone now calm and smooth, and Oikawa shuddered.

"I'm not." Oikawa replied as steadily as he could, and Iwaizumi could not hold it in any longer.

"You're fucking lying. I thought you were going to be truthful with me!" Iwaizumi snapped.

"I am being truthful!"

"Then what the hell were you thinking just seconds ago? Huh?"

"Just go away, Iwaizumi! You don't need me!"

fall for me | iwaoi (angel! au) ; part 1Where stories live. Discover now