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*One year later*

"What kind of person has hazelnut in their coffee?" Rick questioned, balancing a tray of coffees in his hand as he opened the door to the police car with his free hand causing Shane to chuckle from the driver's seat.

"What kind of person spills coffee on their uniform?" The other man responded and Rick frowned as he looked down at his new deputy uniform to find a small coffee stain on his chest. Great, one month into his new job and he already ruined his uniform.

"Typical." Rick muttered under his breath as he climbed into the car, handing Shane his coffee before he closed the door and put his seatbelt on as he took a sip from his own cup.

"This reminds me of our first day at school and you spilt apple juice all over yourself. Well, that one was kinda my fault because I bumped you, but still hilarious as fuck." Shane responded trying not to laugh as he looked over at Rick who just glared at him before his face broke out into a smile as he shook his head.

"You're such an asshole." Rick chuckled, shaking his head at his best friend who nodded in agreement.

"Yes, I am. I am the asshole." Shane responded, taking a sip of his coffee before Ricks phone began to ring and he quickly put his coffee in the cup holder before he pulled his phone out his pocket.

"Hey, Carl. Everything okay?" Rick asked, holding the phone to his ear.

"Um, yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" Carl asked through the phone as Shane started the car and drove off down the road while Rick talked.

They were just about to start the long drive back to their home town for a school presentation. Officer Tara Chambler had called their boss a week earlier, asking if anyone could come by to do a school talk.

Most schools usually got a couple police officers in to talk to the children about safety and drugs. Shane had done school visits a million times and their boss had written their names down to do it since it was their home town. But, neither of them were going to complain since they got the weekend off and only had to talk at the school for an hour. It was always good to give back to the community, even if said community was the shit hole that they grew up in.

Rick hadn't been back to their hometown since Daryl's funeral, and even then he nearly didn't go. He just couldn't bring himself to drive back there, to drive back to the town where Daryl had died. Back to the town where him and Daryl first met all those years ago. All those memories, all those feelings, all those moments they had spent together, both as teenagers and when they reunited 20 years later, it was too much. He couldn't deal with reliving those memories, he couldn't step foot in the town where Daryl should be standing.

Daryl didn't deserve this. He had been through so much, he had survived so much, just for his story to end like this, just when Rick had gotten him back... it wasn't fair.

Life wasn't fucking fair. First he lost his baby girl and then he lost the love of his life and the mere thought of going to Daryl's funeral, seeing his face, seeing his grave... he just couldn't bring himself do it. Until Maggie Greene had called him and told him to 'get his ass back home and do it for Daryl, because he'll hate himself forever if he didn't come and say goodbye' in her exact words and she was right.

He still had no idea how she got his number, but after the funeral he was glad she did. It was emotional to say the least, but he got to say his final goodbyes and between him and Maggie, they gave Daryl the proper send off his deserved.

Not a day goes by where he doesn't think about, Daryl. Not a moment goes by where he doesn't miss the hunter, but he knew Daryl would want him to keep living his life. Hell, Daryl had kept himself in isolation during his time in prison, not letting Rick see him because he wanted Rick to move on with his life and not be waiting around for him.

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