Chapter 8

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*20 Years Ago*

Daryl woke up before Rick the following morning as he rolled over in bed to find the guy lying on his back fast asleep.

He couldn't help but smile at the little line of drool coming out the corner of Ricks mouth as he slept peacefully. It was beyond him why Rick had stayed with him for this long. The two of them have had this secret relationship for months now, which was longer then Daryl ever thought it was going to last. He just kept waiting for Rick to find someone better or to finally realise that he was nothing but a good for nothing redneck, but Rick never did.

Rick liked him, for whatever reason that was beyond him to understand, but Rick liked him and Daryl knew that the man would do anything for him because he would do anything Rick.

After watching Rick lying beside him for a few minutes he figured he should probably get up. So, he carefully climbed out of bed, not wanting to wake the other guy as he pulled his jeans on and threw his vest over the top of his tank top and made his way out to the kitchen.

By the time he had the table set and just finished serving up the bacon, Rick finally emerged from the bedroom wearing a pair of jeans and white tank top as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Good morning." Rick called out sleepily causing Daryl to snort because the man probably just woke up, smelt the bacon and walked straight out here.

"Good mornin', sit down, it's ready." He replied nodding towards the table as he scooped up the eggs from the pan with a spatula and put them on top of the pieces of toast and bacon before he grabbed the two plates and walked over to the table.

"Have I ever told you how amazing you are?" Rick asked, glancing over at him before he dug into his food as Daryl sat down opposite him with his own plate.

"Only every time I cook for ya." He responded and Rick just hummed in agreement before the two of them continued to eat.

They spent most the day outside. Rick offering to help with the last of the weeds while Daryl quizzed on him the Russian Revolution to help him get some studying in, but Rick was barely paying attention, too distracted by Daryl.

That night the two of them stayed inside the cabin. Rick sat on the couch while Daryl started the a fire in the small fireplace before he joined the other guy on the couch who instantly moved over as Daryl wrapped his arm over his shoulders.

"I saw the scars on your back and chest last night... What happened?" Rick asked curiously, glancing over at Daryl who's eyes were focused on the small flames of the fire, but Rick didn't miss how Daryl's body tensed slightly under him. "If you don't wanna tell me, it's okay." He quickly added, not wanting to make the guy uncomfortable. Daryl would tell him when he was ready, Rick knew that.

"My dad." He muttered, not taking his eyes off the fire as he spoke. "He's an aggressive drunk 'n just looks for a fight. If I talked back to him, I got hit. If I didn't say anythin', I got hit. Hell, some days if I blinked, I got hit. But, on the bad days, he'd use his belt. Most of 'em scars are from the belt." Daryl answered, shaking his head at the memories as he glanced over at Rick to find the other man staring at the scar that was peaking out from under his vest along his chest, his eyes laced with tears as one tickled down his cheek.

"Hey." Daryl quickly said, turning around slightly so he could face Rick, as brushed the tear from his cheek with his thumb. "It's okay. They don't hurt no more." He said, but Rick just shook his head.

"It's not right. You didn't deserve any of this." Rick whispered, pushing Daryl's vest out the way as he ran his finger over the small scar across his chest.

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