"This is no family. It never was." Daryl muttered, trying to keep his anger in check as his hands formed fists by his side out of habit.

"Well, not to you, maybe. But you never figured that blood counted for much, did ya?" Will asked.

"I'll tell ya what I do know. There was never an ounce of love in this house-" Daryl began to say before Will cut him off.

"Oh, love. You're a weak piece of shit, Daryl. Ya know that? Ya always were, ya always will be."

"I'm weak?" Daryl chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "Ya were my father 'n ya treated me like an animal."

"I tried to make a man outta you. But, it was already too late when you started sticking ya dick in that Grimes boy. Fucking fag. You never appreciated a goddamn thing I gave ya either." Will spat while Hershel stood off to the side glancing between the two of them, not knowing what to do.

"'N what did ya give me? These?" Daryl asked, pulling down the collar of his shirt exposing some of the scars across his chest as Hershel's eyes widened in shock, but Daryl kept his eyes locked with his fathers.

"You are weak. 'N you're not worth it. I'm not gonna let ya ruin another person's life like ya tried to ruin mine. I'm takin' the boy, if he'll go." Daryl stated, glancing over at Hershel. "'N there's nothin' ya can do to stop me, 'cause you're just a scared old man who doesn't want to go back to prison. Don't get in my way." Daryl growled, glaring at his father for a second before he walked past him towards Hershel.

"It's okay." Daryl said gently, motioning towards the front door and Hershel nodded, not looking back at Will before he turned around and began walking towards the door and Daryl followed him back to his truck.

"Will says you're a bad man.... But, my mother says you're one of the best people on this planet... I trust my mom." Hershel spoke up from the passenger seat as Daryl drove out the driveway back towards the Greene farm.

"Thanks." Daryl replied, not really knowing how to respond to that as he focused on the road in front of him and within 10 minutes he was pulling into the Greene driveway, barely parking the truck before the front door to the farmhouse flew open.

"Hershel!" Maggie's voice shouted and Hershel quickly climbed out the car as he ran over to his mother and embraced her into a tight hug before a younger woman walked out the house too and Daryl recognised her as Maggie's younger sister, Beth.

Daryl sat in the car, as he watched the family reunite before Maggie turned towards him and jogged over to the car with a happy smile.

"Thank you so much. I owe you everything." She said, leaning against the open window, but Daryl shook his head.

"Was the least I can do. That's a good boy ya got there. Glenn would be proud." Daryl responded, nodding towards Hershel who was in a deep conversation with Beth causing Maggie to smile proudly at her son.

"We've been getting the money. You don't have to send that. You don't owe us anything." Maggie spoke up a few moments later, bringing his attention back towards her in shock.

"How'd ya know it was me?" He asked, causing Maggie to chuckle, but he thought it was a valid question. He'd been sending her family money since he got out a prison, but he never had his name or any address details attached to it. How'd she know?

"Who else would it be? Who else would send cash through the mail?" She questioned, raising her eyebrows at him causing Daryl to roll his eyes, but she had a point.

"Don't be a stranger. You know where we live, come over sometime. Hershel would love to hear stories about his father, and I'd love see you again, it's been too long." Maggie said sweetly and Daryl nodded in agreement.

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