Choosing Ceremony

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Ashleigh's POV

The choosing ceremony was today and saying I can't wait to get out of Abnegation would be a huge understatement because I've been dreaming of this day for years .

I walked past the Prior family and Jeanine Matthews and frowned when I heard Jeanine say 'we need to find out who's behind these rumours' . They aren't rumours .

I sat down with the rest of the Abnegation.

Everyone applauded as Jeanine started her speech .

"The faction system is a living being composed with cells all of you and the only way it can survive and thrive is for each of you to choose your rightful place . The future belongs to those who know where they belong"

Well then clearly the future doesn't belong to me because the test didn't seem to make up its mind which faction I belong in .

I refrained myself from frowning as I saw my father began his speech . I hope he feels humiliated when I don't choose Abnegation .

"When we leave this room you will no longer be dependance but full members of our society . Faction before blood"

The choosing ceremony finally started to begin .

There was a few people I didn't know until I heard Caleb Prior choose Erudite . I bet his parents wasn't too charmed about that especially since straight after Beatrice choose Dauntless . Looks like I wasn't going to be the only Abnegation transfer in Dauntless .

After many names was called I finally heard

"Ashleigh Eaton"

I got up and took the clean knife making a small cut only just enough to draw blood in the palm of my hands . I immediately put my palm over the sizzling coals in the Dauntless bowl .



I walked towards Beatrice and said with a grin

"Looks like I'm not the only Abnegation"

"I'm glad too , I'm Beatrice but you can call me Tris now . Your father works on the council with my dad right ?"

"Yeah I think that's right .  I'm Ashleigh but now you can call me Ash"

I decided to shorten my name deciding Ashleigh sounded too Abnegation.

The Dauntless then began to break into a run causing me and Beatrice to run after them  .

We began to climb some ladders onto a train platform and I saw a train was coming but it didn't seem to have any intentions of stopping .

Just as I thought the Dauntless born had already started to jump onto the moving train causing the transfers to copy . I managed to jump on Tris following straight after .

"You both made it"

I turned around to see a Candor girl with dark hair and skin . She was rather pretty looking .

"I'm Christina"
She continued .

"I'm Ash"
I replied


"Is it just me or are they trying to kill us"
Christina said


"Get ready"
One of the Dauntless said .

I got up and walked to the edge alongside Christina and Tris too see that people were jumping of the edge and landing on the roof . I knew if I didn't do it I would become factionless which is the last thing I want .

Christina asked


I replied whilst Tris counted to three where we all jumped of in sync thankfully landing on the roof .

Eric will definitely be in the next chapter :)

𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙛 {𝙀𝙧𝙞𝙘 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum