Lou and her powers

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"Hela, look, Lou is moving. She looks like she is in discomfort"

Hela quickly placed her hand on Lou's temple.

"The activated powers are trying to dominate her body. They are fighting among themselves to have full control over her body. If that happens it will be dangerous. Lou needs to control all the powers equally and manage it, not the other way around where only one power dominates"

"Jesus! Do something Hela"

"I am trying. I am trying to control her power. But the moment I remove my hand, they again get back to the chaotic state"

"How did you control your powers back then? Can't you think of it? It might make Lou think the same way"

"I never had this problem Debbie. I was in Asgard. And I trained in required amount and powers showed up with control. It is a step by step process. We probably did a big mistake. We thought we will get her to remember things. But it backfired. Unless she herself remembers everything that happened, everything I put in her brain, she won't even try to control her body, which means her powers will also be uncontrolled"

"We need to activate that memory"

"Yeah, but that shouldn't backfire like it happened now"

"Yeah, I am scared of the same"


Soon the new bed was delivered. The guy set it in their bedroom. It was not even two minutes of his departure; Debbie's teammates came back to the loft. The kids went to their room to play with new toys which Daphne bought despite Tammy's disagreement.

"Did you get new furniture here?", Tammy asked.

"Oh, that... Yeah. I... Changed Lou's bed. It was kind of old"

"Oh. But you could've asked me. I could give you a better deal. Also, where is the old one? Can I try to sell it?"

"Oh no Tammy. Actually, she needed new one and she wanted it legally. So, she bought it. Also, the old one, I sold it to that shop. They take old ones"

"You and Lou wanted to buy legally? Jesus! What happened to you both?", Tammy joked.

"Nothing happened Tammy. You are thinking too much"

"Where is the new bed? We wanna see", saying so, Constance went inside Lou's room. Others followed too. Debbie and Hela couldn't stop them.

"Wow this bed is super soft", the youngest of their team said, sleeping on it.

"Yeah, it's really good. Lou definitely knows what to buy. By the way, where is she?"

"She's sleeping in my room. She... is tired"

"Tired? Why? Is she fine? Debbie you seem a little worried"

"Oh, no. Everything is fine. I was just thinking about this Kurt's situation. Did you see the site? What do you think? What can be sold?"

"Yeah, I saw and I already have done the list mentally. I'll start the deal in two days. I will give a list to Nine. But one thing we need to make sure. Daphne needs to speak to her new film's producer so as to keep Kurt under control. If she doesn't, then it'll cause problems"

"Hmm, Daphne, who is the one who approves the distribution of film rights?"

"Jack Martin"

"Hmm, do you know him?"


"Hmm... We need to keep him busy. Then there is no way Daphne can meet him. This can be the reason she can give to Kurt. Think people. How to keep him busy?"

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