Spider-Man @webslinger

why- how-

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

since you tend to not alert me when you are harmed like youre supposed to, i made her an account so she can alert me if anything goes amiss. 


peter with a b @peteyparkerr


peter with a b @peteyparkerr

can someone tell me what the heck the point of highschool is?

Ned Leeds @guyinthechair

to?? get into college?? 

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

yea, ik, but liek, I have a 250 IQ, I take all advanced classes, and I already know everything the teachers are teaching...


u can still learn stuff wym- 

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

I'm literally correcting the teachers every day, MJ

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

Why don't you skip a few grades? Or go to college? I have some pull at MIT

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

I don't because I can't 🙁

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam


peter with a b @peteyparkerr

good sir, ik ur rich, but college is expensive

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

ill pay then

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

nono wait

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

My teachers hate me anyway, so if i applied for a college before i graduate, they'd most likely fail me 

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

I'll have Pepper send you teachers an email then

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

Its ok, Mr. Stark. like highschool 😀

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

If you're sure...

peter with a b @peteyparkerr

dw mr. stark, im good lol

Flash T. @hundredyarddash

did TONY STARK just respond to penis' tweet-

Abe  @thebellisforcomedicpurposes

Flash, hes said he has an internship like,,, everyday??? u good???

Betty B. @Nedsahottie

Abe can u think of a s i n g l e t i m e where Flash has actually payed attention to anything Peters' said?

Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam


Tony Stark @youknowwhoiam

That awkward moment when all the avengers get TwitterHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin