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He gasped, rising up from the crashing waves.

This was a dream.

He didn't know how to escape it. It felt so real. The way his lungs burned as salt water filled them up and how when he gained consciousness, the air tried to push it all out.

How the wet sand pushed itself in between his fingers as he clawed at it, trying to rid himself of this pain.

And then finally a sob rang through his empty mind, and he opened his eyes and he was sitting on a beach.

He was on top of a checkered blanket, a picnic basket sitting besides him as the loud sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled his head. It was all he could hear.

There was a boy sitting there with him but his face was blurry, and his very animated talking was all muted, the boy was simply a blob of colors.

And then the sky started mashing together and everything was contorted and the tune to a really old rock song started playing in his head and then he rose for the second time.

His chest heaved up and down as he gripped the collar of his shirt. His hair was plastered on to his forehead as drops of sweat tumbled off of it onto his thighs.

He was here.

The rock song was still playing.

Where was it coming from?

Ming, 23.

He sighed, it was so fucking cold in his apartment yet he was sweating like a pig. He looked out the window, the blinds separated perfectly down the middle.

He had only realized now that it was still pouring outside. Heavy drops of rain pounded on his window and he sighed again, it had been going on all day.

Suddenly as if coming from a horror movie, he heard a door slam outside. It was three in the morning, nobody should be on his floor right now, he was the only one living on this floor.

He tiptoed his way towards the door and unlocked it, creaking it open.

He peeked outside and looked around. The hallways was dim, the marble floors reflected everything perfectly. He looked up slowly, towards the other door, the only other door on this floor, and his eyes widened.

There, peaking out of the door was a boy. His brown hair was matted onto his forehead, drops of water hanging onto his chin and rock music was coming from behind him.

The boy brought his pointer finger up to his pink lips and pressed it against them.

"They'll hear you." The boy mumbled before smiling a small, pretty smile and retreating back into what Ming thought to be an empty apartment.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd Ming was officially freaked out.

When did he get a new neighbor?

Did he just see a ghost?

How come he's blasting music at three in the morning but hasn't gotten yelled at yet?

Definitely a ghost.

He stood there, staring at the door before noticing that smoke was coming out from under the door. Weird smoke that sounded like people whispering.

Then that weird smoke started doing something even weirder.

Ming slammed his door and shook his head.

He had simply drank too many sleeping pills, he had slept for too long and now he was hallucinating that's it.

That's it.


I've been away for like 8929283837 years.

Sorry for not updating this.

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