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Kit shoved Ming further into the bathtub, water spilling over the edges as he tried to resist.

Kit was too strong, his grip on Mings shoulders was sure to leave bruises on Ming's cold dead body.

And then Ming shook his head, his hair falling onto his eyes as he continued typing on his computer.

Trying to focus on the task at hand, which was work unfortunately.

Kit gave him a weird vibe. His aura was freaky.

Ming had only met him once this morning, when he had knocked on the door and he suddenly couldn't breathe.

But he could tell, he could feel it, Kit was as two-faced as they came.

His mom had always told him not to judge a book by its cover, but how could he not when Kit's cover literally screamed IM FAKE IM FAKE IM FAKE IM FAKE IM FAKE-

No matter how much Ming felt like keeping that smile engraved in his brain and no matter how much he felt like flying up into the sky, hand in hand with Kit- he didn't know the other boy, he was a complete stranger and one with an off putting vibe.

Ming's grandma had been really superstitious. She believed in many things and always said there was a much more supernatural explanation to things that could be explained with simple science.

Some of the things she had said before her death had stuck with Ming for all these years.

Before she died, she would ramble on and on for hours about her dreams. Dreams that seemed too real to just be in her head, she talked about feelings, her skin tingling, her lungs opening and shutting, squeezing and un squeezing. The witch that would watch her in her sleep.

Nobody believed her of course, she was old and dying and she was making things up because she was scared. Nobody believed her.

On her death bed, she pulled Ming close, her hand holding his tightly and she mumbled, quietly only for him to hear, "the witch likes you."

And he never knew what that meant but he sure as hell had nightmares for weeks after that. 

He feels crazy in all honesty. It's been six years since her death, Ming hasn't seen a fucking witch.

But his skin does tingle and sets on fire and he dreams of his lungs breaking into pieces and filling up with motor oil and salty water.

It's gotten worse recently. Two weeks ago he dreamt of bugs, crawling under his skin and then his dream cut to him throwing up his lungs.

It wasn't until last night that there was an actual person there with him. And then his lungs weren't burning as much nor were they filling up with water.

Instead they were filling up with the words he couldn't hear.

Before he knew it, it was time for him to go home, his shift ending faster than he had expected it to and he left.

The watch on his wrist reading 7:05.

He sighed, he'd have to go straight to Kit's apartment. He didn't want to be a rude neighbor.

Once in the apartment building he made his way to the elevator. But stopped when he noticed it wasn't working.

The stairs it was.

He shuddered, the lights in the stairwell were dim.

Then water started rushing past his ankles, and it started getting higher as he continued walking up the stairs until his whole head was underwater. But he kept walking and walking and walking and then-


"Ming are you alright, you've been standing here for 5 minutes?" Kit mumbled, waving his hand in front of Ming's face and Ming came back too.

Looking around in confusion Ming stuttered, "w-what?"

"You're late, it's 9:45, and when you finally do arrive you stand here at my door for like 5 minutes," Kit chuckled at the strange behavior. He let Ming in nonetheless.

They had dinner and talked chatting about the neighbors and how it was living here. They talked about work, beliefs, old stories.

And it wasn't until Kit got up to put the dishes away that Ming noticed a pool of water, right outside the door he believed to be the bathroom.

Water rushing out from underneath the crack of the shut door.

Then he blacked out.

This chapter was disturbing I am sorry but again this is for the plot. It is KimCop and there will be an actually relationship between the two but there's also a much bigger plot to the story Than just them being boyfriends.

I do warn, it might get a little creepy or disturbing.

Also sorry for any mistakes


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