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"Kristie....Will you relax? They are at a training camp in Doha, it's not exactly a breeding ground for lesbians." Sam muttered, trying her best to humour her sister.

Kristie glared at her sister.

"You are not helping, Samantha."

"Don't call me Samantha, Kristen."

"Get out." She said, as she got her phone out to call Rachel for the 50th time.

"Ah, ah, ah! Nice try!" Sam said, grabbing the phone off of her.

"She isn't going to answer, she's on a plane to Qatar."

"How longs that?"

"17 hours."

"17 minutes?" Kristie muttered, pretending to have misheard her.

Sam rolled her eyes. "17 hours."

"You need to stop being miserable. You'd think you were never going to see her again."

"I miss her so much, Sam. And what if i don't? What if she hates me so much for what I did to her that she does it to me?"

Sam sighed, feeling as though she was talking to a brick wall.

"Kris, enough with the what ifs. That woman is OBSESSED with you, she has been from day one, shes never loved like this before, she doesn't want to lose you, not again."

"Fine, if you say so. But I'm gonna go sleep 'cause if I don't sleep now I don't think I ever will. Thanks, Sammy. You're the best."

"Just remember that she loves you, despite everything. Night Kris."

"Night." Kristie yawned, leaving her younger sister to let herself out.

She went into Rachel's wardrobe, taking out one of her St. John's jumpers, and she put it on before laying down on Rachel's side of the bed and closed her eyes, wondering if Rachel was missing her just as much.


Rachel on the other hand, was trying not to think about what she'd left behind in Houston. Millie and Izzy tried to distract her as much as possible, but nothing really seemed to work and when it came down to it, Rachel just wanted to be left alone.

She doesn't regret coming away with England, of course she doesn't, but she just wished she had more time to prepare for it and she didn't like the way Kristie just pushed her out the door. She knew Kristie wasn't okay with it, but Rachel can't do much about it now.

When they landed, Rachel was the only person who seemed to have not slept a wink so KB kindly gave her a piggy back from the Airport to the bus, then again from the bus to the hotel.

She was rooming with Millie again which she was thankful for because she knew Millie would just leave her to her thoughts.

It seemed as though Rachel was sat on her bed for hours before Millie came in.

"Hey, you alright?"

Rachel nodded.

"Alright, So we're gonna be in Steph's room watching a film. If you want to join us, feel free."

"Can we watch Dash vs Spirit?" Rachel asked, turned over on her bed to face Millie who was holding open the door.

"Sure. And listen, I know you're pissed at Kristie for her being so.... excited about you leaving, but I can guarantee you, I've spoken to Sam and she's taking this about as well as you are."

Rachel nodded again. "I'm not pissed at her. She phoned me 68 times while we were on that plane. I'm starting to think she doesn't trust me."

Millie raised an eyebrow. "She's worries she's going to loose you again. "

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