"Say, your hair...how is it this red? Its like a tomato!" Kiba exclaimed making Selene glance at him disinterested. "I was born with it." Selene muttered out. "Okay its enough of questions, Selene pick any free seat you like." Iruka spoke.

"Selene-chan! Selene-chan! Over her, over here!" Naruto yelled out hyper waving his hands around making Selene look at him quirking a small smile at his anticts.

The academy was somewhat okay, for Selene they learnt everything she didn't understand such as history, hand signs, basic academy jutsus. Yet there were stuff such as maths which she was excellent on having been adept in it in her past life. She even knew things the teacher didn't in maths.

Then there was the practical, taijutsu and shurikenjutsu. "Say Selene-chan! Are you a good ninja cuz we can become the greatest duo! Me being the Hokage and you being my right hand, believe it!" Naruto yelled out standing beside Selene who's been listening to Naruto's nonstop blabbering since the start of the academy.

"I guess I'm a pretty average ninja." Selene answered truthfully making Naruto beam and begin exclaiming about being a greatest duo ever, before they were up for shuriken throwing.

"Do you need any guidance Selene?" Iruka asked coming up to Selene. "No thank you, I think I got a pretty good foundation." Selene muttered taking a shuriken in her right hand before releasing it at high speeds towards the target.

Everyone was silent front the loud thud and splitting wood making them glance in the direction of the sound. They were shocked seeing a shuriken not on the target but through the bullseye mark sticking out from the other side. "Say Selene-chan..." Naruto muttered cowering away from her at a display of monstrous power, afraid getting on Selene's bad side.

"Is-Is this your average?" Naruto asked with a nervous smile making Selene glance around seeing shocked and some afraid looks, Iruka was priceless having his jaw agape. "Well...I thought my strength was average before entering the academy, but it seems like its not." Selene muttered seeing everyone's expressions.

After a few more goes in which Iruka instructed Selene on more control and suppress her strength which she followed and begun getting a handle of shuriken's using 2 shuriken's by the end of the session.

Now everyone was getting paired up for taijutsu bout, most of the class where sweating nervously with a terrible chill down their back. They were afraid of whoever going to get paired up against Selene.

"Sensei...I would like to get paired up with Selene." Sasuke spoke coolly taking everyone aback, everyone glanced at him seeing his anticipating and determined expression while looking down at Selene who was standing beside Naruto. A lot of girls showed jealousy looks seeing as Sasuke never has asked anyone for anything before, and here he was asking for a bout from a new girl. 

"You wanna go teme?! I'll hit your light out you baka!" Naruto yelled out bringing his non existing sleeve up with a glare aimed at Sasuke. "You're not a challenge dobe." Sasuke shot back without acknowledging him making Naruto fume. Before he could dash at Sasuke, Selene stopped him in his tracks with a hold of his shoulder.

"Sure, why not...I am curious of this great Sasuke-kun which the girls fond over." Selene spoke genuinely looking in Sasuke's eyes. 'What is this tension?!' Everyone thought seeing both Selene and Sasuke looking each other down unwavering.

"Okay then, on my mark. Mark!" Iruka announced the battle making Sasuke dash at Selene who didn't make any move. When everyone thought Sasuke would win this without a problem, girls chanting for him, boys feeling pity for Selene, the tables turned.

No one couldn't even process of what happened, one second Sasuke had his fist ready to hit Selene the other his down on the ground with his arm locked behind him and Selene stepping on his back. "Is this the great Sasuke Uchiha I'm hearing about?" Selene mocked sarcastically looking around seeing shocked faces.

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