1. A bothersome feeling

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, well you always complain about me being bad at cooking, so what do you want me to do?!"

"The fucking dishes! I've told you several times already!"

"I don't wanna do the dishes!"

They start bickering and I realize it's best if I don't interfere. I don't want to get caught up in their arguing unless I absolutely have to. Instead I decide to sit down next to Seokjin. He's lost in his own little world while cutting up the vegetables and notices me first when I tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh, hi. Didn't see you there," he says and goes back to what he was doing. "Did you have fun in school?" he asks although he doesn't actually seem very interested. 

"It was fun I guess, but the coach said I need to go back for some more practice later. Apparently I'm a bit out of shape."

Seokjin puts down the knife and looks at me from top to toe. His stare makes me feel nervous. Three years and I still can't get used to him looking at me. I really have a problem. 

"How the hell can you be out of shape? You swim and go to the gym every single day. You're more fit than you've ever been. Your coach must have unrealistic standards."

"Maybe? But I can see where he's coming from. All the other guys on the team are a lot bigger than I am. It'll take a lot for me to catch up."

"That's because they're probably alphas, right? Most athletes are alphas."

He has a point. Everyone is tall and muscular to the point where I'm not sure if I can ever catch up to them. Technically speaking I could be an alpha as well since I haven't presented yet, but the odds aren't in my favor. Only a very small percentage of the population are alphas, and I don't show any signs of becoming one. I'll probably be a beta like almost everyone else in the world. 

"I'll just have to do my best," I say. "What matters is good technique and to be fast, and so far I'm doing pretty good on that. But enough about me! What's all this food for?"

"Nothing special," Seokjin answers and picks the knife back up again to finish cutting the vegetables. "Jimin insisted we'd practice our cooking and gave me no choice but to do it with him. Taehyung wanted to help too, but since he sucks at cooking he's just been sitting there saying stupid stuff the entire time."

"I see, but why do you need to practice cooking all of a sudden? Your cooking is fine the way it is."

"Yes, that's what I said too, but apparently 'fine' is not good enough to Jimin."

I glance over at Jimin who finally managed to get Taehyung to do the dishes. Jimin is absolutely delighted while Taehyung looks grumpy as fuck as he scrubs a dirty pot. 

"Jimin-hyung," I say and successfully gain his attention. "Why are you doing all of this?"

His face lights up from my question.

"It's for your presentation of course! We need to prepare for the celebration!"

I should've seen this coming. I've told them to not make a big deal out of it, but according to them I officially become an adult when I get to know my sub-gender. I don't see the point in celebrating it though. I'll probably be a beta anyways, so it'd be like saying "Congratulations! You're just like everyone else!". 

"Hyung, there's really no need for this," I tell him. "Your cooking is good enough as it is, and I don't want you to go out of your way to do this for me. Also it's a week away. You shouldn't bother doing this."

Jimin just smiles and elbows me lightly in the side.

"Oh, come on, Kookie! Of course we have to celebrate you! Even if you don't care about the whole sub-gender thing it's still your 19th birthday. We need some time to make everything perfect for you."

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